
Guerre / War

Venezuela: Las Cadenas Espaciales-Temporales de la Ilusión

franzjutta, Thursday, July 8, 2004 - 12:33

Franz J. T. Lee

En Cuanto al Sistema Global de Posición y las Armas de Destrucción Masiva

“El arma victorioso en el asalto de los EE.UU. contra Irak, igual que el de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, estaba basado en una tecnología la cual fue imaginada primero por Einstein, con una pequeña ayuda de Poincaré. No fueron las armas nucleares de destrucción masiva, sino el Sistema Global de Posición (GPS), con el cual se puede medir las cuatro dimensiones del espacio-tiempo con suficiente precisión como para dirigir a una bomba o a un soldado dentro de un área de 50 pies en cualquier lugar del planeta"?. (WILLIAM R. EVERDELL, New York Times, 17/08/03)

Definitivamente, si aquí en Mérida, Venezuela, fuimos capaces de descubrir a Juhá, un planeta rotando más allá de Plutón, entonces ciertamente podríamos desarrollar fácilmente una verdadera Ciencia original y una verdadera Filosofía auténtica de la Revolución Bolivariana, dirigidos contra el horror y terror global, contra el “awestruck"? (táctica del atemorizar) de la Casa Blanca, del Pentágono, de la NASA y la OTAN, contra cualquier Sistema Global de Posición o armamento.

The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd

Anonyme, Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 16:38

Daniel Borgström

Are Iraq veterans going to be treated the way Vietnam veterans were?

* * *

Thirty-two years ago, near the end of the War in Vietnam, I was living in San Francisco, and my close friend, ex-Sgt. Van Dale Todd, a combat veteran of the 101st Airborne, lived in a another apartment of the same building. It was an old Victorian house out on 29th Street. Sometimes Van would take a notion to hit the wall which separated our apartments with his fist and shout, "Who the fuck would join the Marine Corps?" And I'd yell back, "Airborne sucks!" "The Marine Corps sucks!" "Only two things come out of the sky," I'd yell back again, "Bird shit and fools!" That was how we said good morning to each other. It was our ritualized greeting.

Venezuela: The Spatial-Temporal Chains of Illusion

franzjutta, Monday, July 5, 2004 - 15:54

Franz J. T. Lee

Concerning the Global Positioning System and Weapons of Mass Destruction

"The winning weapon of the American assault on Iraq, like that of World War II, depended on a technology first imagined by Einstein, with some help from Poincare. Not nuclear weapons of mass destruction, but the Global Positioning System, by which the four dimensions of space-time can be so precisely measured as to direct a bomb or a soldier to within 50 feet of any spot on earth."
(WILLIAM R. EVERDELL, New York Times, 17/08/03)

Definitely, if here in Mérida, Venezuela, we could discover Juyá, a planet, rotating beyond Pluto, then surely we could easily develop a Real, Original Science and a True, Authentic Philosophy of the Bolivarian Revolution, directed against the global horror and terror, against the "awestruck" of the White House, the Pentagon, NASA and NATO, against any global positioning system or weaponry.

As "starting point", it is worthwhile to note that long before Einstein, Poincare and Tesla, Immanuel Kant has made us aware of something very significant within the universal fatherland, something really fit for future celestial, transgalactic, emancipatory endeavours.

As we know, Adolf Hitler made it very clear what precisely is necessary for corporeal exploitation and mind domination: If you want to control a people, control its education! Thus, as consequence of centuries of colonial and neocolonial "education" and "religious conversion", obviously, today the Metropolis won't even need "awestruck", or painstakingly directed mortal uranium depleted cluster-bombs to control and punish its rebellious physical labour forces. However, taking into consideration the fact, that today the US Armed Forces have to employ even mortal arms of mass destruction in Iraq and soon in Latin America, and probably in Colombia and Venezuela, this indicates that somehow the mental holocaust backfired, and that the terrorist chickens are coming home to roost.

Irak: Le bourbier états-unien

Eric Smith, Monday, July 5, 2004 - 12:59

Eric Smith

En remplaçant le Conseil de gouvernement irakien pantin par un gouvernement provisoire qui l'est tout autant, les États-Unis ne réussiront pas à se sortir du bourbier dans lequel ils se sont eux-mêmes empêtrés. En ce moment, les forces révolutionnaires irakiennes sont mieux placées que jamais pour frapper les agresseurs états-uniens.

Les États-Unis sont responsables de la régression des droits des femmes en Irak

Sisyphe, Monday, July 5, 2004 - 12:00

Des femmes commentent la situation en Irak

Les États-Unis ont détruit la stabilité et le tissu social en Irak, ouvrant la voie à l'islamisme politique dont les femmes sont les premières à souffrir. La situation vue par des femmes.

ISM: Freedom Summer Update and Other News

Anonyme, Thursday, July 1, 2004 - 09:55

30 juin - manif - troupes d'occupation HORS D'IRAK - photos

Anonyme, Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - 23:13

Photos de théatre de rue présenté durant le manif du 30 juin devant le consulat etasunien à Montréal (coin Saint-Alexandre et Réné Levesque)


guas, Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 14:41

Bloquez l'empire Montréal

"Le 30 juin 2004, le jour où les États-Unis remettront l'Irak aux mains des états-uniens!"

Prenons les rues de Montréal pour dénoncer et confronter les pilleurs de la guerre et de l'occupation de l'Irak.


1) Journée d'action contre l'occupation militaire et corporative de l'Irak
2) Profils des compagnies impliquées dans l'occupation de l'Irak
3) Appels pour le 30 juin
4) Rappels
5) URGENT: Bénévoles recherché-es!


Anonyme, Tuesday, June 29, 2004 - 14:04

Block the Empire

30 June, two days after America
hands Iraq over to America!

1. Final Meetings and Reminders (NEW!)
2. Urgent Last Call for volunteers!
3. DayS of Action in Montreal: 30 June AND 1 JULY!!!
4. Sampling of Montreal's War-Profiteers
5. Calls for 30 June

More >>

Help!! Kingston Anti-War Organizer Facing Jail Time

Anonyme, Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 12:47


Paul Quick long time anti-war organizaer going to Trial in Kingston.

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