
ISM: Freedom Summer Update and Other News

Anonyme, Thursday, July 1, 2004 - 09:55

International Solidarity Movement (ISM)


  1. 1) Freedom Summer Campaign Action Update
  2. Israeli Supreme Court Suspends Wall Construction in NW Jerusalem District
  3. Az-Zawiya and Deir Ballut demonstrations
  4. Residents Under Siege in the Old City, One Civilian Killed, Curfew Declared
  5. A 'Black Saturday' – 8 Killed by Occupation Forces in Nablus
  6. Settlers Uproot trees to expand settlement in Kufr Thulth in Qalqilia district

1) Freedom Summer Campaign Action Update

30 June 2004 to 4 July 2004

Wednesday, 30 June

[Jerusalem] Wednesday morning the Israeli Supreme Court gave its decision concerning the path of the Apartheid Wall in the northwest Jerusalem area. Please see following report for more details.

[Jerusalem] At 1:30 this afternoon, two of the Palestinian peace activists, Mohammed Khalil Mansour and Khaled Fuad Salameh, arrested in A-Ram last Saturday presented their defense to Judge Shelev-Gerter at the Jerusalem Peace Court. Advs Lea Tsemel and Yael Berda called on the court to recognize the racial discrimination practiced by the Israeli police, as Israeli activists arrested at the same demonstration were released the same evening whereas the Palestinians were beaten, jailed and are facing charges. A judgment is to be announced Friday at 10 AM at the Jerusalem Peace Court.

Nidal Musa Ka’abneh, age 17, and Mohammed Ahmed Amr, age 15, also arrested in last Saturday’s A-Ram demonstration, had a closed hearing today presided over by Judge Shelev-Gerter. Video presented by the defense clearly shows the violent way in which these two youths were apprehended and refutes the claim that they attacked a police officer. The judgment as to their case is also set for Friday at 10 AM.

Thursday, 1 July


Wall work continues in Az Zawiya and Deir Ballut, and the people in the villages will not give up. All Palestinian, Israeli, and international activists and are urged to join them in demonstrations tomorrow.

WHEN – Thursday, July 1, 2004

  • 8:30 am – Az Zawiya
  • 10:00 am – Deir Ballut


  • Az Zawiya – near the mosque
  • Deir Ballut – near the new school


  • (ISM) Jessica 052 470 2320 (English)
  • Mayor of Az Zawiya (Arabic and Hebrew) – Abu Al Adib 052 576 344
  • Mayor of Deir Ballut (Arabic and Hebrew) – Abu Firas 050 562 643 or 052 950 861

[Tel Aviv] Beatrice Deawing, who has been detained at the Ben Gurion Immigration Detention Center since 17 June, will have a deportation hearing in the Tel Aviv District Court at 1:00 PM.

Friday, 2 July

[Kufr al Labad] At 1 PM, international, Israeli, and Palestinian non-violent activists will dismantle a roadblock in Kufr al Labad, Tulkarem Region.

Saturday, 3 July

[Beitunia] Photo exhibit on the Apartheid Wall assembled by Palestinian youth, entitled “Freedom Summer Palestine 2004

International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

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