
Help!! Kingston Anti-War Organizer Facing Jail Time

Anonyme, Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 12:47


Paul Quick long time anti-war organizaer going to Trial in Kingston.

The Killing in Iraq Continues.
The Criminalization of Dissent and Prosecution of War Resisters Continues in Canada.

* Anti-war organizer in court June 24 & 25 in Kingston *
Please call the Crown from outside Kingston. (phone numbers below)
Help pack the court room with supporters if you live here.

Paul Quick will be on trial this week in Kingston for participating in a peaceful demonstration against the racist war in Iraq, imperialism and corporate profiteering, last March 22.
The Kingston anti-war marches were spontaneous and creative and left the local authorities flat footed. Millions of people around the world demonstrated against the war before it even started, and Kingston was no exception. 400 local marchers evaded police during marches against the imminent invasion of Iraq.
Mr. Quick was targeted by the police not because of his actions that day, but because he is a clear voice of dissent. Aggression for profit, murder for money and blood for oil cannot be tolerated. Were the war to be stopped, it was to be done by the people of the planet, not their elected officials. Paul was one of millions of people around the world standing for freedom and justice in the period leading up to the war. We must continue our work against war and imperialism and we must defend our fellow organizers against state reaction.
Paul Quick's charges should be dropped immediately.
Please contact the Crown Attorney's office (today!) and tell them to drop all charges against Mr. Quick.
Kingston Crown Attorney
Bruce Griffith
Tel. (613) 548-6220
Fax: (613) 548-6692
If you are in the Kingston area, Paul's trial is Thursday June 24 and Friday June 25 at the Provincial Court House on Wellington St. (the OHIP building) 9:00 am.
Aleikum salaam,
Many Thanks.

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