
Petition to the African Union for African Dignity

Nigel Imonieya, Mercredi, Juin 14, 2006 - 08:25

Nigel Imonieya

Please read through the petition addressed to the African Union and sign if you approve of it as a patriotic african and recommend friends to do same.
We must hold the AU responsible for a positive change in the continent.
Thanks for your support and feel free to contact if you have any querries about the petition and the campaign for one voice in Africa.
To: The Chairperson of the African Union
Your Excellency,

Please accept my most humble greetings.

I sincerely wish to first express my gratitude and congratulate you and your compatriots for the role you played at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, where the debts of the 14 most highly indebted and poverty stricken African countries were cancelled.

I am however perturbed as to whether the efforts and gains made at the summit, will be sustainable.

It is with this in mind, that I am extremely proud to be a part of this enormous campaign for “One Voice, One Acton, One Africa

Join the campaign for

Nigel Imonieya, Mercredi, Juin 14, 2006 - 08:19

Nigel Imonieya

Ever before now, all pressure to assist in developing the African continent have come from persons of goodwill in International Civil Societies, mostly non-African organizations. So far, these efforts have yielded a tremendous success, particularly the year 2005 with the "MAKE POVERTY HISTORY CAMPAIGN" which helped in garnering support for the cancellation of debts. The Bob Geldof show was a case in point. The year 2005 also witnessed additional aid for our beleaguered continent.

We believe it is time for Africans to take the bull by the horn by proving to the world that whatever support received for the continent can be utilized for the right purpose. We have to prove to the world that we are not lazy; that we are a determined people when well informed, capable of putting pressure on and supporting our leaders in getting them to work for a positive change in the continent. As we know democracy is a veritable platform to achieve these goals. We need to continue to stress the importance of free speech as a vital requirement for development and progress.

Without the determination of the African Leaders for a positive change, all efforts from the international community would be useless. We do not want this to happen, hence the introduction of this campaign for "1Voice, 1 Action, 1 Africa".

The campaign for “1 Voice 1 Action, 1 Africa

1er Mai à Cuba - Plus de 7 millions de participants à travers le pays

Franc-Parler, Samedi, Juin 10, 2006 - 21:35


Brésil : prison pour les Sans Terre

Anonyme, Vendredi, Juin 9, 2006 - 21:46


Lula a traité de vandale le groupe de paysans qui a fait irruption dans le Congrès pour réclamer la confiscation de propriétés où se pratique le travail-esclave. L'establishment brésilien a criminalisé la protestation sociale.

Aussi - capsule historique: Bruno, le leader du MLST

Bilderberg's Canada Conference: Global Swindle in Ottawa

forpressfound, Vendredi, Juin 9, 2006 - 13:45

Foreign Press Foundation + APFN

Foreign journalists were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group. for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa. What happened to the famous Canadian 'Freedom of the Press'? All in a commercial coma, waiting for the management's undertaker?

Les Enragé-e-s d'Athènes

Anonyme, Jeudi, Juin 8, 2006 - 20:22

Solidarité avec l'insurgé entre la vie et la mort à Athènes

Atenco - video Romper el Cerco - sous-titres FR

Anonyme, Jeudi, Juin 8, 2006 - 15:25

les 3 passants

Chantiers de St Nazaire : LE "MONTAGE EXOTIQUE"

Anonyme, Mercredi, Juin 7, 2006 - 12:58

St Nazaire

Une plainte pour diffamation a été déposée contre Bellaciao et la CGT par les "Chantiers Navals de St Nazaire". Soutenez Bellaciao :

- En signant ici:
- En savoir plus:

CIA Terror Flights: US collaborators in 14 European countries lied

forpressfound, Mercredi, Juin 7, 2006 - 05:45

Henk Ruyssenaars

Bush said: 'We do not torture', but today an EU investigation is accusing 14 European governments of crimes against humanity. Proving they criminally collaborate with the US Gulag program of secret jails and torture. All have known about the CIA torture flights.

Évictions accélérées: écrivez à la ministre Nathalie Normandeau

Anonyme, Lundi, Juin 5, 2006 - 14:47


Projet de loi en préparation pour accélérer les évictions en cas d’incapacité de payer le loyer
Écrivez à la ministre Nathalie Normandeau


D’ici le 23 juin 2006, la ministre des Affaires municipales et des Régions, Madame Nathalie Normandeau, souhaite déposer un projet de loi avant la fin de la présente session parlementaire. Ce projet de loi, qui serait adopté à l’automne, viserait principalement à réduire le délai entre le dépôt d’une demande relative au non-paiement du loyer et le jugement et ce, sans audience pour la très grande majorité des cas et sans la possibilité pour les locataires de faire valoir les motifs de leurs difficultés.

ThePirateBay saisi par les autorités suédoises

Anonyme, Samedi, Juin 3, 2006 - 20:54

Le tracker BitTorrent ThePirateBay était l'un des trackers les plus célèbres au monde. Etabli en Suède, il n'avait jamais cédé aux pressions de l'industrie du cinéma, contrairement à certains de ses prédécesseurs comme le défunt Mais la résistance a ses limites, comme l'a appris ce matinThomas Mennecke du site Slyck.

Any information? Shutting off power grids in Quebec?

forpressfound, Samedi, Juin 3, 2006 - 01:05

Henk Ruyssenaars

In an ongoing series of unpublicized confrontations between intelligence factions within the U.S. government, power grids in Quebec were shut down by agents within the U.S. and French governments?

US Veterans Identity Theft & the Beast in Brussels

forpressfound, Vendredi, Juin 2, 2006 - 06:49

Henk Ruyssenaars + AP (Associated Propaganda)

After the theft of personal information of 26.5 million veterans new absurd details - first kept secret - on the scope of one of the US's largest security breaches have surfaced. Much more private information was stolen, the VA administration was forced to admit.

Occupied Universities of Greece

Anonyme, Vendredi, Juin 2, 2006 - 03:15


Statement of the plenary coordination meeting of the Students’ Assemblies of the Occupied Universities of Greece

La rochelle : incendie du Medef & condamnation

Anonyme, Jeudi, Juin 1, 2006 - 17:02

Condamnation de 2 militants CGT

Le clip "La Rage" met le feu aux poudres

Anonyme, Mardi, Mai 30, 2006 - 12:43

Le clip "La Rage" met le feu aux poudres Le premier vidéoclip de Keny Arkana Un super bon vidéoclip Hip-Hop qui vient de France et qui donne des frissons. Le site de la fille A faire circuler

Deaths on the Border

Anonyme, Mardi, Mai 30, 2006 - 09:24

RCP Publications • Box 3486 Merchandise Mart • Chicago, IL 60654-3486

Every year, hundreds of immigrants are dying horrible deaths along the U.S. border. They battle against dehydration, intense heat of Arizona deserts, and the dangerous desert roads, and many lose the fight to stay alive and die from heat stroke. Last year, the U.S. Border Patrol found 463 dead bodies of those trying to get across the border—a 42.5 percent jump from 2004.

French Internet Butcher must be Stopped

forpressfound, Lundi, Mai 29, 2006 - 12:01

Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars

Total Control is the goal: "European Union lawmakers are investigating a proposed tax on e-mails and mobile phone text messages as a way to fund the 25-member bloc in the future." According to an EU insider/whistleblower the EU crooks steal billions, like Enron.

US Concentration camps: Training for the American Gulag

forpressfound, Dimanche, Mai 28, 2006 - 06:24

Foreign Press Foundation + Franklin

The U.S. army opens a mock detention facility on June 2 to improve training of soldiers for detainee operations. Instructors will include soldiers with experience at Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the Army.

Paris dernière action déboulonneurs : 8 interpellations

Anonyme, Vendredi, Mai 26, 2006 - 18:58


Beaucoup de monde à ce rendez-vous dont le lieu était révélé, la presse (des photographes, des micros, des caméras), la police (une ou des camionettes garées le long du terre-plein central de la place de la République).

Salute the US Generals! - Don't you hear the boots?

forpressfound, Vendredi, Mai 26, 2006 - 14:49

Foreign Press Foundation

General Hayden will have to see how the latest loot on the spook-tree, the Orwellian named 'National Clandestine Service', fits in with the CIA and other intelligence agencies. This organization, is made up largely of the CIA's spookiest operatives.

Anonyme, Mercredi, Décembre 31, 1969 - 19:00

Des milliers étudiants en AG et dans les rues de Frankfort

Anonyme, Lundi, Mai 22, 2006 - 15:57


Mercredi 10 mai 2006 : 6000 étudiants en AG et dans les rues de Frankfort

"Si vous ne prenez pas ce travail de prostituée, on vous arrête votre allocation chômage"

Anonyme, Lundi, Mai 22, 2006 - 11:39

Clare Chapman

Wall Street moves to the European Headquarters

forpressfound, Lundi, Mai 22, 2006 - 04:35

Henk Ruyssenaars

The Great Money Game: Castling is a special move in the game of chess involving the king and either rook. Castling consists of moving the king two squares towards a rook, then moving the rook onto the square over which the king crossed. The King in this case being Wall Street. Why do you think it's called Euro-next?

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