Join the campaign forNigel Imonieya, Mercredi, Juin 14, 2006 - 08:19
Nigel Imonieya
Ever before now, all pressure to assist in developing the African continent have come from persons of goodwill in International Civil Societies, mostly non-African organizations. So far, these efforts have yielded a tremendous success, particularly the year 2005 with the "MAKE POVERTY HISTORY CAMPAIGN" which helped in garnering support for the cancellation of debts. The Bob Geldof show was a case in point. The year 2005 also witnessed additional aid for our beleaguered continent. We believe it is time for Africans to take the bull by the horn by proving to the world that whatever support received for the continent can be utilized for the right purpose. We have to prove to the world that we are not lazy; that we are a determined people when well informed, capable of putting pressure on and supporting our leaders in getting them to work for a positive change in the continent. As we know democracy is a veritable platform to achieve these goals. We need to continue to stress the importance of free speech as a vital requirement for development and progress. Without the determination of the African Leaders for a positive change, all efforts from the international community would be useless. We do not want this to happen, hence the introduction of this campaign for "1Voice, 1 Action, 1 Africa". The campaign for “1 Voice 1 Action, 1 Africa
One Voice One Action One Africa
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