Petition to the African Union for African DignityNigel Imonieya, Mercredi, Juin 14, 2006 - 08:25
Nigel Imonieya
Please read through the petition addressed to the African Union and sign if you approve of it as a patriotic african and recommend friends to do same. Please accept my most humble greetings. I sincerely wish to first express my gratitude and congratulate you and your compatriots for the role you played at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, where the debts of the 14 most highly indebted and poverty stricken African countries were cancelled. I am however perturbed as to whether the efforts and gains made at the summit, will be sustainable. It is with this in mind, that I am extremely proud to be a part of this enormous campaign for “One Voice, One Acton, One Africa
Petition to the African Union
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