
Alternatives constructives

Fin des mesures restrictives pour les assistés sociaux

Anonyme, Sábado, Abril 3, 2004 - 00:47


Reportage sur la gentrification en Afrique du Sud

Anonyme, Miércoles, Marzo 31, 2004 - 16:10


Petit reportage sur la gentrification à Johannesburg.

Song: "Tooker (Le Monde à Bicyclette)"

jiivan, Domingo, Marzo 28, 2004 - 20:31

Amis de Tooker - Friends of Tooker

Tooker (Le Monde à Bicyclette), is a song written and performed by Mike Ford (ananda at

(MP3 format, ~5 minutes, ~5 Megs; AU format, 4 Megs). Lyrics.)

Victory for the Vancouver Bus Riders' Union

Anonyme, Jueves, Marzo 25, 2004 - 19:20

Aaron Lakoff

Listen to an interview with Jennifer from the Vancouver Bus Riders' Union about their recent victory to win back the night buses. Produced by Aaron Lakoff for the CKUT community news collective in Montreal.


jiivan, Lunes, Marzo 22, 2004 - 15:16


The sudden passing of Tooker Gomberg leaves us saddened and contemplative.
One of Canada's most daring and courageous political figures, Tooker was a friend, co-conspirator and guiding light to so many of us.
A selfless trailblazer, Tooker's absence will be felt in Canada's environmental, labour, social justice, human rights, arts and music communities - and around the world.
We invite you to join in reflection, mourning and
celebration of such an exemplary writer, activist, politician, videographer and comedian.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tooker's family and to Angela, his soulmate
of 17 years.

Please bring a bicycle bell and also feel free to
bring a photo of Tooker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tooker & Angela's Website:

In honor of Tooker CRITICAL MASS with EARTH FLAGS Friday, March 26

jiivan, Lunes, Marzo 22, 2004 - 14:42


The March 2004 Critical Mass ride, in many cities, has been dedicated to our two-wheeled friend Tooker.
On March 26th, please join us as we carry on this vibrant tradition that Tooker loved dearly.

The sudden passing of Tooker Gomberg leaves us saddened and contemplative.
One of Canada's most daring and courageous political figures, Tooker was a friend, co-conspirator and guiding light to so many of us.
A selfless trailblazer, Tooker's absence will be felt in Canada's environmental, labour, social justice, human rights, arts and music communities - and around the world.
We invite you to join in reflection, mourning and
celebration of such an exemplary writer, activist, politician, videographer and comedian.

Les Payeurs de taxes

Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 15, 2004 - 11:29

Jean-Olivier Porter

Le gouvernement libéral utilise, quasi systématiquement, une dénomination collective, «payeurs de taxes», qui contribue à réduire le rôle du citoyen et son pouvoir démocratique. Certes ses actions politiques inquiètent, mais son discours devrait inquiéter tout autant, sinon davantage. Peut-on, aujourd'hui admettre que ce qui fait l'unité sociale au Québec se limite aux intérêts fonciers? Si c'était réellement le cas, on devrait s'attendre à voir notre gouvernement, non pas renforcer cette idée dans la conscience populaire, mais, plutôt, la briser, en prenant des mesures pour résorber ce déficit sociétal.

Tooker Gomberg MEMORIALS cross-country...UPDATED

Anonyme, Viernes, Marzo 12, 2004 - 03:25

Zillion leaflet man (Jean)

Tooker Gomberg MEMORIALS across the country...
[UPDATED] Tooker Gomberg Memorial Discussion Forum & links...

Tooker Gomberg was an environmentalist, activist for social justice, he cared a lot for the human family & a healthy planet with clean air to breathe & pure water to drink for our children to live on... he touched so many people's lives.
He will be greatly missed but his spirit will live on & inspire us for a better world is possible...

La librairie alternative: une institution coloniale ?

Anonyme, Sábado, Febrero 21, 2004 - 17:12

Dans le débat qui fait rage actuellement sur le rôle et la gestion de la librairie alternative, il n'est malheureusement que trop peu souvent fait mention des raisons fondamentales qui font en sorte que le mouvement anarchiste francophone est lourdement sous-représenté dans le fond libraire de cette instution théoriquement anarchiste.

Pour en finir avec le travail de jour et de nuit

admm, Viernes, Febrero 13, 2004 - 14:29


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