
In honor of Tooker CRITICAL MASS with EARTH FLAGS Friday, March 26

jiivan, Lunes, Marzo 22, 2004 - 14:42


The March 2004 Critical Mass ride, in many cities, has been dedicated to our two-wheeled friend Tooker.
On March 26th, please join us as we carry on this vibrant tradition that Tooker loved dearly.

The sudden passing of Tooker Gomberg leaves us saddened and contemplative.
One of Canada's most daring and courageous political figures, Tooker was a friend, co-conspirator and guiding light to so many of us.
A selfless trailblazer, Tooker's absence will be felt in Canada's environmental, labour, social justice, human rights, arts and music communities - and around the world.
We invite you to join in reflection, mourning and
celebration of such an exemplary writer, activist, politician, videographer and comedian.

In honor of Tooker CRITICAL MASS with EARTH FLAGS Friday, March 26

Critical Mass...they're here...

- mass bike ride through downtown takes about an hour.
We're not blocking traffic: we ARE traffic!

Tooker Gomberg MEMORIAL Crit. Mass. with EARTH Flags...
by Tooker's Friends - Zillion leafletman
velo_rution (nospam) (unverified)

FIND or MAKE an Earth Flag & put it on your bike for Critical Mass bike Ride(Tooker most of the time had an Earth flag on his) & dress up colorfully he was-is such a colorfull spirit!

Announcement :: Peace/Also PICTURES below article

by Friends of Tooker - Zillion leaflet man
Email: velorution (nospam) (unverified!)
Phone: mez (at)

~ Critical Mass bike ride in honour of Tooker: March 26th
~ Online community, mutual support, links, print resources, more...

The sudden passing of Tooker Gomberg leaves us saddened and contemplative.
One of Canada's most daring and courageous political figures, Tooker was a friend, co-conspirator and guiding light to so many of us.
A selfless trailblazer, Tooker's absence will be felt in Canada's environmental, labour, social justice, human rights, arts and music communities - and around the world.
We invite you to join in reflection, mourning and
celebration of such an exemplary writer, activist, politician, videographer and comedian.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tooker's family and to Angela, his soulmate
of 17 years.

Please bring a bicycle bell and also feel free to
bring a photo of Tooker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tooker & Angela's Website:
Whether or not you can attend the memorial, you can join the many others whose lives were touched by Tooker, online.
A memorial discussion and announcements forum has been created on the web. It's a place where you can read about Tooker, his life and the many people he inspired.
You can also find links to Tooker's writings; hear about upcoming memorials and events; and share your own feelings and memories.
To visit the forum, go to
and click "Tooker Gomberg Discussion", near top right.
(Direct link: )
Two funds have been created, to support grassroots ecological work in Canada, true to Tooker's ideals.
Tooker Gomberg Greenspiration Fund (charitable receipts issued)
Tooker Gomberg Activist Fund (non-charitable)
If you cannot attend the Toronto Memorial,
you can mail contributions to:
P.O. Box 1242 Place du Parc Station,
Montreal, Quebec, H2X 4A7
On the last Friday of every month, cyclists around the world gather in groups of dozens, hundreds, or thousands and take to the streets for a casual ride, with the motto
"We Aren't Blocking Traffic, We ARE Traffic."
The March 2004 Critical Mass ride, in many cities, has been dedicated to our two-wheeled friend Tooker.
March 26th, please join us as we carry on this vibrant tradition that Tooker loved dearly.

Activists across Canada have requested that people wear
black for this bike ride. We all know, however, that Tooker rarely wore black and would probably want us to dress up in costumes, as he did so often! SO, for those who want to respect both wishes, we've come up with a list of black
costumes for you! Zorro, a penguin, Darth Vader, a nun, the Shadow, Dracula, Cat Woman or some goth dude.
Let's make this the biggest Mass Ride Toronto has ever seen!

Links to Critical Mass rides worldwide:
Tooker had faith in life: that the earth will sustain us if we sustain it.
Tooker had faith in people: that we could do better.
He had faith in community: that the city could be a caring and healthful place.
The city must be part of the ecosystem, not a burden.
To be sustainable, our economics must nurture life, not harm it.
He fought for global justice.
On all fronts, he was a man of peace.
I shall remember Tooker for his love of life.
As a friend, he is like the trees he cherished.
He planted seeds among us.
He harboured life, and does still.
The tree falls, but is ever renewing.
The tree is not separate from life, and cannot be separated.
The tree, and Tooker, are life's gift.
The tree, the spider's web, the butterfly... All things are one.
A sacred mystery.
Our separation is an illusion.
Grief lies in appearances, and both will pass.
Life is eternal.
In our hearts, Tooker remains. .
~ Geoffrey Pounder

We've just created two on-line mutual-support forums/
discussions -- for activists, environmentalists and friends:
(1) ACTIVIST SUPPORT FORUM - A place to share your
worries, troubles, frustrations, fears - and offer others
much-needed feedback, support and inspiration:
Share your thoughts and ideas on how to create stronger,
healthier community for activists, environmentalists and others:
Tooker & Angela's Website:
Discussion, Links, Community:

See also:

Tooker Gomberg MEMORIALS cross-country...UPDATED


Also see:
)))))))))))))-Tooker Gomberg-(((((((((((((((((
-Memorial Discussion Forum & Bulletin Board-
a public on-line community to learn about and
discuss the life and ideas of Tooker Gomberg
*** ***


by Rebecca O'Brien ?Saturday March 13, 2004 at 03:37 PM

This planet needs more Tookers. Feature on - In her own words

Article & Picture here:

Hey Jean,

Thanks for replying to my request re. songs. Sorry to hear about your friend. Good priority call. We'll go on with your spirit right there with us doing stuff, helping out and generally making your presence felt!

Here's the original version ('The Circle Is Unbroken Here') of the political version I sang at the August 9 2003 rally to commemorate the bombing of Nagasaki and the deaths of all those who have died because of US foreign policy and to decry the decision to launch USS Momsen, the latest US death ship on that date.

I've sung this original version of the song at many funeral events. It's printed up to fit on one page. If you want the tune, phone me.

Below that is the song I'm doing on the stage in between two of the speakers(at Peace March 20th) - maybe Chomsky and Layton - that'd be cool!


The circle is unbroken here;

There's no one left alone.

The threads of life so lately broke

Are woven with our own.

We come today to say goodbye

To one who held us close;

To tell the stories of his life

That moved us each the most.

The stories of a life well lived

And of a death well-faced

Are now a part of everyone

Who's here within this place.

We'd hoped to meet with her again,

All those who are here today;

And though we may not meet again,

We'll meet again some way.

In jobs we do, in songs we sing,

In courage and in pain,

In battles that we fight as one

We'll see his face again. -
Si Kahn

President Bush Goes To Hell
- Julie McCall, Labor Heritage Foundation,

arr. JE. ('There Was An Old Lady' Key: A)

President Bush made up a big lie

We all know why he made up that lie

Perhaps he'll fry

President Bush said "imminent threat"

Those terrible terrorists we gotta get

He used the threat to back up the lie.

We all know why he made up that lie .

President Bush went up to the Hill

And Congress agreed to foot the bill

They footed the bill because of the threat

Those terrible terrorists we gotta get

He used the threat to back up the lie

We all know why he made up that lie .

President Bush launched into a war

Corporate greed, that's what it was for

He launched the war because of the greed

To feed the greed they footed the bill

They footed the bill because of the threat

Those terrible terrorists we gotta get

He used the threat to back up the lie

We all know why he made up that lie .

President Bush ignored the U.N.

"We'll do what we want, just add some spin"

He added some spin to launch the war

He launched the war because of the greed

To feed the greed they footed the bill

They footed the bill because of the threat

Those terrible terrorists we gotta get

He used the threat to back up the lie

We all know why he made up that lie .

Soon President Bush will be out on his ass

With Cheney and all of the other top brass

He'll be out on his ass because of the spin

He added the spin to launch the war

He launched the war because of the greed

To feed the greed they footed the bill

They footed the bill because of the threat

Those terrible terrorists we gotta get

He used the threat to back up the lie

We all know why he made up that lie .

The existence of hell I don't endorse

But if it existed

They'd fry of course


Prose my friend Barnett wrote in ode to Tooker


this communication arose from a series of discussions i had with rusl and jane(Pedal Revolutionary Radio Show***) last week.

i've taken the liberty of editing for redundancy and personal references.

i decided to"come out" in honor of a man that lived the spirit.

to tooker.

Barnett (pianoscum (at) )
i am a peace soldier.

i've dedicated my life,my heart,and my honor to the proposition that all humans are created equal.
indeed, all that lives.

our guiding principal is what would the heart do in any situation.our harshest weapons are our minds,and in many cases a big mouth!the only lines of authority in the peace army are the lines of respect.any officers which exist in the p.a.[and there's debate over that point]are "appointed" by those who would be lead.

while itS neither necessary,nor according to
some even desirable to do so,some of us occasionally place ourselves at personal risk while"on maneuvers".

our roles in the p.a. are self-chosen.
our missions are always and only voluntary.not to say that some might exert considerable moral pressure on another to gain consent for one thing or another.

we have our tantrums.
my chosen role is the lone crier,and i have chosen to place myself at risk for situations i deem important.


*** Listen to Pedal Revolutionary Bike Radio! ***

Every other Thursday, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.,
on CiTR 101.9 FM(Vancouver)

News about bike civic politics, chopper bikes, legal issues, bike maintenance, culture, fun and of course Critical Mass. Your Hosts: Chain Breaker Jane, DJ Helmut Hair, and Riff Sailor.

For more information: spam (at),
Listen live over the Internet:


Tooker on bike
by Zillion leaflet man Friday March 19, 2004 at 11:22 AM
velo_rution (at)

At bottom is picture of Angela(Tooker's wife-life partner) ringing their wedding vows bicycle bell after the eulogy she gave at Edmonton City Hall, Monday March 15

See also:

)))))))))))))-Tooker Gomberg-((((((((((((((((( -Memorial Discussion Forum & Bulletin Board- a public on-line community to learn about and discuss the life and ideas of Tooker Gomberg
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