
Song: "Tooker (Le Monde à Bicyclette)"

jiivan, Domingo, Marzo 28, 2004 - 20:31

Amis de Tooker - Friends of Tooker

Tooker (Le Monde à Bicyclette), is a song written and performed by Mike Ford (ananda at

(MP3 format, ~5 minutes, ~5 Megs; AU format, 4 Megs). Lyrics.)

Tooker (Le Monde à Bicyclette)
words and music by Mike Ford

I took a bike ride yesterday and saw a funny world at play
I saw new bike lanes on a street, saw people and slowed down to greet
Green boxes next to blue and grey, posters for a car-free-day
Saw families without a trace of fear enjoying public space
Pedal power in full sway - I saw things in a different way

Le Monde à bicyclette Le monde à bicyclette

Tooker Gomberg never shied away from what had not been tried
With faithful friends there at his side he showed us we could turn the tide
On Adam's Mine and Kyoto, and not go the way of the Dodo
Burnin' passport declarations, buried car commemorations
Robin Hood through town he'd glide, inviting us along to ride

Le Monde à bicyclette Le monde à bicyclette

When the King of Furniture decreed his actions immature
Tooker took aim at his crown and threw the peple's gauntlet down
Which some folks called buffoonery - how accurate they proved to be
For like the clowns of vielle Paris his stock in trade was honesty
Sparking fires mirthfully to melt the ice of apathy

Le Monde à bicyclette Le monde à bicyclette

Sometimes statistics only bore 'em, so he perforated dull decorum
Energized the public forum - what else can one do but adore him
Ask yourself and a make a list and for a spell unclench your fist
For laughter is an activist, look up now see through the mist
Conviction like a lightning flash, dispensed with humour and panache

Le Monde à bicyclette Le monde à bicyclette

I only saw him a couple a' times in person where the tower chimes
Raging at the climate crimes with horns a honkin', words in rhyme
Or juggling by a tent for peace in frozen winter without cease
We wish for him eternal laughter, peace of mind in the hereafter
Inspirin' him as he does we and may we all forever see

Le Monde à bicyclette Le monde à bicyclette

Tooker (Le Monde à Bicyclette) is a song written and
performed by Mike Ford (ananda at

(MP3 format, ~5 minutes, ~5 Megs; AU format, 4 Megs)

Links to Audio in two formats on Angela & Tooker's Website:

An around-the-world odyssey documenting inspiring ecological stories, with laptop & camcorder... Discovering & sharing hopeful stories related to environmental, energy, transportation & resource use issues & politics...
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Lun, 2004-03-29 06:46

validated after formatting, minor corrections

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