
Guerre / War

Fahrenheit 451 and the Problem of the US Media

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 17:24

Stephen R. Shalom

We are at the tail end of a war which has placed severe restraints on a free press. Not the fire of Fahrenheit 451, but bombs...

Anti-Colonial War vs Americans May Have Already Begun, Part 2

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 17:19

Amy Goodman and Robert Fisk

Amy Goodman interviews Robert Fisk about the situation in the Middle East, on Democracy Now!...

Anti-Colonial War vs. Americans May Have Already Begun, Part 1

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 17:06

Amy Goodman and Robert Fisk

Part 1 of an interview with Robert Fisk on Democracy Now...

Action 23 avril: cadenas-station d'essence #3

PML, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 16:54


Action 23 avril: cadenas-station d'essence #2

PML, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 16:53


Action 23 avril: cadenas-station d'essence #1

PML, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 16:51


Another Dead Journalist

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 16:46

Amy Goodman; Democracy Now!

The Israeli Defence Forces killed another journalist in the West Bank, and a Reuters Photographer watched everything happen...

Un groupe d'affinité anti-capitaliste ferme une station Esso pendant que des manifestantEs font une Snake march contre l'occupa

guas, Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 11:17

Bloquez l'empire Montréal


Un groupe d'affinité anti-capitaliste et opposé à la guerre en Iraq a réalisé une action directe autonome et a bloqué les pompes à essence d'une station Esso avec des cadenas.

À l'appel de Bloquez l'empire Montréal, environ 60 militantEs anti-capitalistes ont pris les rues pour dénoncer l'occupation impérialiste de l'Irak et cibler les complices locaux de l'impérialisme américain au Moyen-Orient.

Photos prisent après l'action: [1|2|3]
et pendant la marche [1]

Trop c'est trop, Monsieur Chrétien

Anonyme, Tuesday, April 22, 2003 - 19:03

André Legault

This antiwar movement brought to you by...

Anonyme, Tuesday, April 22, 2003 - 15:44

seek their true agendas

We believe that a society in turmoil cannot be saved through mere legislation. Our efforts are devoted not to ephemeral political fashions but to the defense of the fundamental institutions of our civilization. In the broadest sense, we strive to contribute to the renewal of Christendom in this time and place...

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