
Guerre / War

Pourquoi je n'ai pas manifesté le 1er mai

Anonyme, Saturday, May 3, 2003 - 21:37

Collectif Bellaciao


Please Vote on Missile Defense

Anonyme, Saturday, May 3, 2003 - 18:08

Please Vote on Missile Defense

Anonyme, Saturday, May 3, 2003 - 18:08


Anonyme, Friday, May 2, 2003 - 13:36

Athomas Goldberg

The Works on Shirts Project invites you to take part in "WEARNICA", an international day of artistic reactions to the war in Iraq and continuing conflicts throughout the world.

Statement to the World

The Oldest Soul, Friday, May 2, 2003 - 13:03

Many Authors of Conscience

...we call upon citizens and policy makers to uphold the universal principles of national sovereignity, respect of territorial  integrity and self-determination, essential to just and peaceful co-existence among nations...

Tradition of War Resistance Continues @ Kent State this weekend

Anonyme, Friday, May 2, 2003 - 04:13

by patrick, cleveland imc volunteer

A representative of Kent State University in Ohio has revoked permits for a peaceful rally and an anti-war conference planned for the May 3-4 weekend on the KSU campus. Organizers of the events vow that they will continue as scheduled.

Wars of Terror, part 1

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 14:02

Noam Chomsky

Any sensible attempt to assess the likely consequences [of 9/11] will naturally begin with an investigation of US power, how it has been exercised, particularly in the very recent past, and how it is interpreted within the political culture...

Wars of Terror, part 2

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 14:02

Noam Chomsky

Some of the immediate questions posed by the crimes of 9/11: (1) Who is responsible? (2) What are the reasons? (3) What is the proper reaction? (4) What are the longer-term consequences?...

Les américains et la liberté d'expression en Irak

Anonyme, Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 08:34

Collectif Bellaciao

BAGDAD - Nouveau massacre a Falluja

Irak : une guerre qu’il reste toujours à justifier

Anonyme, Monday, April 28, 2003 - 12:25

Michel WERY

Avec la guerre, la question des armes de destruction massive a disparu de l’avant-scène médiatique, mais elle reste néanmoins brûlante sur le terrain diplomatique. Parce qu’elle a servi de justification à une guerre illégale. Au-delà du cas de l’Irak, et pour l’avenir, il est important de se poser des questions sur la meilleure manière de résoudre les problèmes posés par la détention de ce type d’armes.

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