

Awaiting the US "Noble Eagles," let us put oil in our already flaming lamps!

franz, Friday, February 25, 2005 - 21:26

Franz J. T. Lee

Among other factors, economically, the current material and social contents of the Bolivarian Revolution are visibly expressed in the national and nationalistic class interests of the Venezuelan and Latin American upper middle classes, businessmen and entrepreneurs vis-a-vis their real dialectical negation, the huge transnational corporations. 200 of them already control 40% of world production.

However, politically and socially, as a result of a virulent, raging, continental class struggle, the real, true, creative essence and existence of this revolution, irrespective of their low levels and limited degrees, are reflected in the dire class interests and growing consciousness, in the massive popular actions and unconditional political support of the Latin American impoverished masses, the unemployed and homeless, the toiling buhoneros, peasants and workers.

actions à GRRRR - et ailleurs - contre les expulsions

Anonyme, Friday, February 25, 2005 - 20:38

des squatereuses et solidaires

Venezuela: ¿Waterloo o Dien Bien Phu?

franz, Friday, February 25, 2005 - 19:16

Franz J. T. Lee

Como sabemos, en 1991, los EE.UU. han introducido su Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program (Programa Cooperativo Nunn-Lugar para la Reducción de Amenazas), que supuestamente tiene el noble objetivo de destruir todo tipo de Arma de Destrucción Masiva producida durante la época de la Guerra Fría. Aparte de que desecharon algunos modelos obsoletos de su propia fabricación y aquellos de sus aliados como Israel, los EE.UU. mismos continúan produciendo todo tipo de nuevas variedades de armas mortales y letales.

Venezuela: Waterloo or Dien Bien Phu?

franz, Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 08:25

Franz J. T. Lee

As we know, in 1991, the USA launched its Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, that supposedly has the noble objective to destroy all types of Weapons Of Mass Destruction (WMD'S) that were produced during the Cold War era. Apart from scrapping some obsolete models of its very own arsenal, and those of its allies, like Israel, the USA itself continues producing all kinds of new varieties of mortal and lethal arms. Furthermore, like in the covert "Operation Paper-Clip", that provided future jobs for the ex-Nazi scientists in the USA, it sought to find gainful employment for the former, highly-qualified Stalinist natural scientists.

Venezuela: Los ángeles no tocan este (ha)arpa

franz, Monday, February 21, 2005 - 10:09

Franz J.T. Lee

¿Las recientes tragedias en Venezuela y Colombia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales eran obra de la naturaleza, del hombre o de Dios? Centenares de personas desaparecidas, miles damnificadas. ¿Será que hay una conexión con el calentamiento del planeta, con el “Tsunami

Népal: la lutte se poursuit contre la monarchie féodale

Eric Smith, Sunday, February 20, 2005 - 22:41


Suite au coup de force perpétré le 1er février par le roi Gyanendra, le Parti communiste du Népal (maoïste) a appelé au déclenchement d'un blocus complet du pays. L'affrontement entre la monarchie féodale, d'un côté, et l'ensemble des forces démocratiques dirigées par le PCN (maoïste), de l'autre, est entré dans une phase décisive.


Anonyme, Sunday, February 20, 2005 - 05:51

Foreign Press Foundation


Canada is Legitimizing Suppression of Haitian Democracy: Filmmaker

Anonyme, Sunday, February 20, 2005 - 02:15

"[The RCMP are] boasting about training the HNP as an institution, and
yet they're not accepting any responsibility, particularly when the HNP
goes into poor neighbourhoods and performs massacres against Aristide


oscar, Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 08:44

Joaquin Oramas

Il y a ce que nous en disent les medias de nos sociétés qui en font une sorte d'exercice tétéguidé par les autorités en place. Il y a ce que nous en disent les cubains eux-mêmes qui participent à l'exercice. Granma international nous apporte un éclairage intéressant.

Les Syriens baasistes sont des occupants et non des gardiens de la paix

Anonyme, Friday, February 18, 2005 - 23:49

Elias Bejjani

L'occupation syrienne du Liban doit être dénoncée avec fermeté

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