

El Destino de los EE.UU. de plagar a América de Miseria

franzjutta, Sunday, January 30, 2005 - 08:31

Franz J. T. Lee

Durante la época de Simón Bolívar, la Gloriosa Revolución de Inglaterra, la Revolución Norteamericana, la Revolución Francesa y la Revolución Industrial Británica tenían efectos durables a escala mundial sobre las ideas políticas, la moral social y la práctica revolucionaria de todos los grandes hombres. Esto era el triunfo glorioso del capitalismo burgués-democrático sobre todos los modos de producción anteriores, especialmente sobre la esclavitud antigua y la servidumbre feudalista-absolutista.


franzjutta, Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 21:18

Franz J. T. Lee

Although as a result of globalization, as the social realization of the French and Industrial Revolutions, as Marx (and Engels) already predicted in the Communist Manifesto and in Capital, late economics ... mainly as production by "intellectual labor forces", accompanied by machines and computers, by social labor ... has moved into the realm of the current global, social superstructure, into politics, and vice versa, yet very few of our analyses, our commentaries, have a sound politico-economic or economico-political approach to the current precarious situation of Venezuela in particular, and of the whole globe in general.

Liberté pour Paolo Dorigo, militant communiste incarcéré

Anonyme, Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 01:07

Comité pour un Secours rouge canadien

Montréal, le 27 janvier 2005 – Samedi le 29 janvier 2005 se tiendra une assemblée de solidarité avec Paolo Dorigo à Parma en Italie. Dans ce cadre, le Comité pour un Secours rouge canadien, par solidarité internationaliste, tient à dénoncer les conditions de détention inhumaine dont est victime Paolo Dorigo. Cela fait 13 ans qu’il est détenu pour un attentat à la base militaire de l’Otan à Aviano. Durant ces années de détention, il a subi de la torture physique et psychologique.

Environmentalist and Political Prisoner - Tre Arrow

Anonyme, Friday, January 28, 2005 - 15:07

The Tre Arrow Defense Committee

an update from the Media as the Judge speaking tour

Un débat qui risque de déraper : le mariage

oscar, Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 21:27

Oscar Fortin

La question que nous devons nous poser est de savoir si deux personnes de même sexe peuvent s'aimer avec autant d'intensité et de sincérité que deux personnes de sexe différent.

Venezuela to take up arms against a sea of troubles...

franzjutta, Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 15:25

Franz J. T. Lee

While, in defense of their sovereignty, their constitution and beloved President, hundred of thousands of Venezuelans were marching in Caracas last Sunday, January 23, VHeadline commentarist Carlos Herrera wrote:

"Make no mistake, the hundred of thousands of Venezuelans from all corners of the country, who support the Bolivarian Revolution, their President Hugo Chavez ... and who are in the streets of Caracas today in a gigantic march to defend the national sovereignty ... will not hesitate to take up arms and join with our armed forces to defend themselves against ANY imperialist pretensions. Whether it be to overthrow the democratically-elected government or to annex our oil and gas reserves."*


franzjutta, Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 21:37

Franz J. T. Lee

Contemporary Global Revolutionary Significance of the Political Thought of Simon Bolivar

The Historical Ideological Context

In the age of Simon Bolivar, the Glorious Revolution of England, the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the British Industrial Revolution had enduring effects worldwide on the political ideas, social morals and revolutionary practice of all great men. This was the glorious triumph of bourgeois, democratic capitalism over all previous modes of production, especially over ancient slavery and feudalist, absolutist serfdom.

Venezuela: Be prepared for the next violent attack on the Bolivarian Revolution

franzjutta, Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 21:06

Franz J. T. Lee

After a short Christmas honeymoon, for us in Venezuela, the international signs indicate heavy storms and our ship of State, the Bolivarian Revolution, at great velocity is steering straight towards turbulent waters again.

A careful study of the global "winds of change", as Oscar Heck has already warned, indicates strange coincidences.

Ce que j’ai appris sur la crise économique depuis le FMI

pier trottier, Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 13:13

Joseph Stiglitz

Les réunions du FMI, où que je voulus qu’elles se produisent, continuèrent de rassembler des milliers de manifestants qui protestèrent contre la politique de l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). Ils dirent que le Fond Monétaire International (FMI) est arrogant. Qu’il n’écoute réellement pas les pays en développement qu’il veut supposément aider...

Franco-American Liberty

Anonyme, Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 10:36

David Arthur Walters

Another Bush inauguration gives Americans cause to take French lessons.

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