Droits / Rights / DerechoHarper now Attacking: "Status of Women"bracewell, Samedi, Décembre 2, 2006 - 14:08 1) Closing 12 of 16 offices Genocidio o eliminación de PalestinosAnonyme, Vendredi, Décembre 1, 2006 - 18:13
Kethleen-Bill Christison
Como prefiere Ud llamara esto Sr. Javier Solana? Como lo llamaria el primer ministro de Canadá? O como lo llamaria el Papa? ¿Cómo prefieren denominarlo? Kathleen y Bill Christison Campagne médiatique pour faire libérer le jeune Dame DiengAnonyme, Jeudi, Novembre 30, 2006 - 01:09
Certains cherchent à comprendre pourquoi des jeunes sénégalais essayent de fuir leur pays en pirogue au péril de leur vie. La mésaventure que subit Dame Dieng, jeune sénégalais de 21ans contribuera peut-être à vous éclairer. Oaxaca: disparus et détenus (25-27 nov)Michael Lessard..., Mercredi, Novembre 29, 2006 - 10:30 Bulletin urgent, 27 novembre 2006 A 11hres, le 27 novembre, le centre (CAPISE, Centre d’Analyses Politiques et d’Investigations Sociales et Économiques) a reçu un appel téléphonique de la Comission Juridique de l’Assemblée Populaire des Peuples de Oaxaca (APPO), depuis la capitale de Oaxaca. La dite Commission Juridique confirme les informations suivantes: The Case of Mohamed Anas Bennis, Eleven Months Later...COBP, Lundi, Novembre 27, 2006 - 21:50
The Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP)
COBP denounced the decision of Prosecutor James Rondeau, the result of eleven months of what we expected: a cover up of a police killing that resulted from racial profiling, plain and simple. Everybody in Montreal should have the right to know if officers Bernier and Roy have in fact returned to work, and if so in what capacity (desk work or on the street) and if they are on the street, in what neighbourhood are they with their guns? It is impossible for us to have any trust in the SPVM which gets away with murder, the SPVQ which covers up the truth or the Quebec Minister of Justice which protects killer cops.(...) It is past time to set up an independent public inquiry into the death of Mohamed Anas Bennis, before any more people fall victim to the SPVM.(...) COBP thinks that it would be an excellent idea for the SPVM to lead by example by no longer using firearms and condemning killer cops. One thing is for sure: the fight against police brutality is far from over! What’s more, this struggle knows no borders, for police everywhere kill people: in Oaxaca in Mexico, in Colombia, everywhere... As they say in Colombia: For the victims of State violence, nor a moment’s silence, but a lifetime of struggle! Brutalité policière lors de la manifestation du 26 novembreLa voix du peuple, Dimanche, Novembre 26, 2006 - 23:55 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Repression | Resistance & Activism | Speciesism)
La voix du peuple
Encore une fois, l'état policier fait rage. Du haut de leur matraque, les cochons de la ville de Montréal ont brandit la démocratie. Une démocratie où les riches peuvent s'enrichir tout en expérimentant sur des animaux. À bas l'état policier! Philippines: Another militant labor leader shot dead in LagunaAnonyme, Dimanche, Novembre 26, 2006 - 21:55 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Repression | Syndicats/Unions - Travail/Labor)
Four young assassins shot dead another militant labor leader in the Calabarzon area past eight this morning. Killed on the spot was Andrew “Bok Filipino women demand justice for Nicole, speedy resolution of Subic rape caseAnonyme, Dimanche, Novembre 26, 2006 - 21:52
Women from Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) converged at the Welcome Rotonda today joining nationwide protests for the speedy resolution of the Subic rape case and to call for justice for Nicole. Mumia's Best (and Last) Chance For a New Trial: A Legal UpdateAnonyme, Vendredi, Novembre 24, 2006 - 13:58
Hans Bennett
On October 23, attorney Robert R. Bryan (attorney for death-row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal) filed the 4th Step Reply Brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Philadelphia. Because this should be the last round of reply briefs, Bryan estimates that the public hearing of arguments should begin within three months. After the hearing, the panel of judges will then decide whether to grant Abu-Jamal a new trial. URGENT ACTION: The PFP violently represses the peaceful march held in the City of Oaxaca, causing at least 15 woundedMichael Lessard..., Jeudi, Novembre 23, 2006 - 17:22 At noon, the peaceful march left the public university (Instituto Estatal de Educación Pública de Oaxaca, IEEPO). It was called by the Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca to celebrate the 96th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution and was meant as a political-cultural meeting of the city. ![]() |
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