

Death Squads Rampage Under RCMP's Watch in Haiti; 600 Dead in Last 2 Weeks

Anonyme, Sábado, Octubre 16, 2004 - 14:09

Haiti slum repels police amid angry protests

Anonyme, Sábado, Octubre 16, 2004 - 00:47

Haiti Information Project

The morgue at the General Hospital issued an emergency call this afternoon stating that there was no longer space for new corpses and it had reached full

Clandestine Interview from Haiti: Resistance in the Slums of Port-au-Prince

Anonyme, Jueves, Octubre 14, 2004 - 11:22

Black Commentator

Canadian, America, French, United Nations sanctioned genocide looms....

Catholic Priest Arrested in Haiti

Anonyme, Jueves, Octubre 14, 2004 - 04:36

Haiti Information Project

Former military and death squads are heavily armed and will be attacking pro-Aristide strongholds with United Nations complicity. Mass killings are expected. Denounce these actions, tell the Canadian government who sit idly by knowing that they have overthrown democracy and are covering up the most heinous of crimes committed in the names of their citizens and "humanitarianism" in Haiti!!! Expose their lies!

Ambazonia Liberation Party (ALIP) USA Launched

Anonyme, Domingo, Octubre 10, 2004 - 10:10

Edwin Ngang - Ambazonia Delegate General- North America

That even though the case of Ambazonia’s independence has always been a very easy one to articulate
-- a straight forward case of the annexation of one sovereign state, Ambazonia {United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration} by another sovereign state, Cameroon-- the majority of our politicians have simply failed to make this case self evident to our people as well as to the world at large

United Nations leading repression of popular resistance in Haiti

Anonyme, Domingo, Octubre 10, 2004 - 03:05

Haiti Information Project

In violation of the UN Charter and their mandate in Haiti, UN forces are illegally detaining civilians. the majority of Haitians still support the return of elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide, contrary to UN and mainstream media distortions.

Human Rights Alert in Haiti!!!

Anonyme, Martes, Octubre 5, 2004 - 15:57


"At this time it is impossible to assess the full extent of violations committed in these areas as the indiscriminate shootings taking place make it dangerous to continue going there to investigate.

However, it is certain that insecurity and deteriorating day-to-day living conditions are on the increase in these poor neighborhoods. There is as yet no sign that there is a will amongst the authorities that the situation is going to improve for the better for residents of those areas."


Bel Air slum surrounded by Haiti police

Anonyme, Lunes, Octubre 4, 2004 - 12:48

Haiti Information Project

"There is complete panic in Bel Air at
this moment, people have already been shot and we
expect this to be a massacre" said a frightened

The 'Flood' of Repression Continues in Haiti

Anonyme, Jueves, Septiembre 30, 2004 - 13:06

The latest Flashpoints interview with journalist Kevin Pina...

Catastrophe en Haïti : la misère ne vient pas du ciel

Carl Desjardins, Jueves, Septiembre 30, 2004 - 09:59

Convergences Revolutionnaires

Les pays riches, en dépit d'un certain battage publicitaire, se sont gardés d'employer les grands moyens pour venir au secours de la population d'Haïti. L'aide alimentaire est quasi inexistante, si dérisoire que l'activité principale des casques bleus de l'ONU consiste à tenter de s'interposer devant de maigres stocks de nourriture face à des milliers d'affamés.

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