

Photos : THE CHILDREN OF IRAQ - A Must See

Anonyme, Jueves, Enero 27, 2005 - 20:17


I have no words....

police crack down on york university protest

fr, Viernes, Enero 21, 2005 - 18:01

The 50-100 students who had gathered to outline York's ties to global and local oppression, racism, and imperialist globalization, were then forcibly dispersed by police called in on the orders of the York Administration. The police with the aid of York security guards then proceeded to arrest and beat five organizers. The action, which represented the latest effort by York-based activists to stand up for free speech and resist corporate power on campus, was brutally repressed, with cops hospitalizing one young organizer. The events of the day exhibit the York insitution's willingness to clamp down on any organized resistance, and the need for more research, popular education and direct action to build a movement for real democracy and justice on campus. Autonomy and Solidarity brings you statements, photos and video related to this action and its aftermath.

Haitian Resistance Leader at Bush Counter-Inauguration

Anonyme, Viernes, Enero 21, 2005 - 02:11

Since the February 29th coup d’état, tens of thousands of Haitians have regularly taken to the streets, braving clubs, tear-gas and bullets. There has also been armed resistance in Haiti’s slums as well as in the countryside.

The de facto government and the U.N. occupation forces, which are doing the dirty work of the U.S. and France, have now begun a massive and ruthless crackdown. Over the past three weeks, hundreds have been arrested and scores simply executed. The jails are filling up with political prisoners, now estimated at close to 1000.


Anonyme, Miércoles, Enero 19, 2005 - 17:54

Oscar Fortin

Une autre fois des propos qui valorisent certains mots comme liberté et démocratie que pour mieux couvrir des actions en vue de mieux contrôler et dominer les autres. Il n'y a de liberté et de démocratie que celles qui leur permettent de faire ce qu'ils veulent. Une autre fois Cuba est pris à partie.

Amartya Sen, Prix Nobel d'Économie

pier trottier, Martes, Enero 18, 2005 - 13:40

Ricardo Patino Aroca

Amartya Sen, citoyen hindou, âgé de 66 ans, fut couronné par le Prix octroyé par la Banque Centrale Suisse, en honneur à Alfred Nobel, dans la discipline des sciences économiques, pour l’année 1998. La décision de récompenser Amartya Sen, seul, par le Nobel no. 43 d’Économie, a signifié un changement dans la ligne suivie ces dernières années par l’Académie des Sciences...

IPSM Delegation to minister of public security Jacques Chagnons office

IPSM, Lunes, Enero 17, 2005 - 23:42

MONTRÉAL - On Thursday January 6th, 2005, at approximately 13h00, seven members of the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement (IPSM) made a surprise visit to the office of Quebec's Minister of Public Security, Jacques Chagnon, to present him with a letter (below) and to arrange a meeting in person. The delegation's demand was to ensure the Sureté du Québec (SQ) cease its interventions into the sovereign, internal affairs of the Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) Nation and the community of Kanehsatake.

Let's Move! An Appeal to the Global Conscience

Anonyme, Lunes, Enero 17, 2005 - 05:19

Foreign Press Foundation

To those who consider the war a mistake but still fear the consequences of military withdrawal, we ask these questions: when will enough be enough? If not now, when?

Haiti Solidarity

Anonyme, Martes, Enero 11, 2005 - 04:19

yves engler

Ten months of Canadian-backed terror against the poor of the hemisphere's poorest country is enough. It's time to change our government's anti-democratic and elite-friendly policies in Haiti. Haiti solidarity activism, which has been slow to take off, should become the Canadian left's top foreign policy concern.

Canada Plays Big Role in Propping Up Haiti Regime

Anonyme, Sábado, Enero 8, 2005 - 03:34

Tim Pelzer

The Canadian government is taking a leadership role in propping up the U.S.-installed regime in Haiti and keeping Fanmi Lavalas, the party of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, from returning to power.


Anonyme, Martes, Enero 4, 2005 - 10:56

Matt Lechien

La chaîne de malbouffe Mc Donald’s France a annoncé début décembre la signature d’un partenariat avec trois sociétés dans le but de recycler 100% de son huile de friture afin de la transformer en carburant.

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