

David Frost: Laughing about the Holocaust too?

Anonyme, Domingo, Febrero 6, 2005 - 10:01

Foreign Press Foundation

The BBC's Disgusting David Frost

Canada, Haiti, Life After Coup: Interview with Jean Saint-Vil

Anonyme, Viernes, Febrero 4, 2005 - 02:01

When people talk about the coup, they talk about it being against President Aristide, they don't recognize that it's also the elected officials from the year 2000 elections that were cancelled. In place of those elected officials are
criminals, gang leaders, former CIA employees that were hiding in the Dominican Republic and armed by the US and used to overthrow the government.

Haiti Human Rights Report Heavily Implicates U.S. and Canadian Partners

Anonyme, Jueves, Febrero 3, 2005 - 18:45

The University of Miami Law School’s recently released report exposes widespread human rights abuses taking place in Haiti under the U.S.-backed government that ousted elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide. A team of investigators from UMLS’ Center for the Study of Human Rights visited Haiti, Nov. 11-21, 2004.

Haiti Human Rights Alert - Executions Continue under RCMP/UN Watch

Anonyme, Jueves, Febrero 3, 2005 - 11:43

On December 28, more than 10 residents are reported as having been executed, some in Corridor Bassia while others were taken in Delmas and killed there.

La "démocratisation " du Moyen Orient

pythagore, Jueves, Febrero 3, 2005 - 06:54

André Pelchat

Comme ça, on a démocraté en Irak ! Et tout l'Occident se félicite en envoyant des fleurs à l'administraiton Bush de ce beau succès ! On va, à mon avis, un peu vite en affaire...

The Truth About Killing Palestinian Children

Anonyme, Martes, Febrero 1, 2005 - 14:31

Justice = Peace

The vast differences in the news about murdered Palestinian schoolchildren With little or no responsibility from US mainstream medias to corroborate truth.

Voting by the Script: Where Did the 8 Million Iraqi Voter Turnout Figure Come From?

Anonyme, Lunes, Enero 31, 2005 - 14:38

Yoshie Furuhashi

Where did the Independent [sic] Election Commission of Iraq get the turnout figure of 8 million voters? The answer is that's exactly the same number the commission predicted more than two weeks before the elections. That's a sign of how scripted the Iraqi elections were.


Anonyme, Lunes, Enero 31, 2005 - 12:28

Matt Lechien

Début d'un dossier/débat consacré à l'altercroissance sur le site Bellaciao.

Toronto Coalition to Stop the War Condemns the Unfair and Illegitimate Election in Iraq

Anonyme, Domingo, Enero 30, 2005 - 18:43

From Toronto Coalition To Stop The War (posted by HiMY SYeD)

Sunday, 30 January 2005

The Toronto Coalition to Stop the War strongly supports the right of people in Iraq to democratically determine their own future. That must include choosing a legitimate and representative government through free and fair elections. However, the exercise taking place under foreign occupation on January 30 will be neither free nor fair.

US Air Force Flies Its Combat Aircraft into Iranian Airspace

Anonyme, Sábado, Enero 29, 2005 - 15:15

Yoshie Furuhashi

After Seymour M. Hersh's revelation that "[t]he [George W. Bush] Administration has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran at least since last summer" (Seymour M. Hersh, "The Coming Wars: What the Pentagon Can Now Do in Secret," The New Yorker, January 24, 2005), more frightening news. Two newspapers on the left and right ends of the political mainstream report that the US Air Force is flying its combat planes into Iran's airspace, "templating" Iran's air defense positions, and daring Teheran to shoot US planes down -- an act that simultaneously prepares for the next war, serves as a provocation, seeks to create a pretext for war (if the planes are shot down), and (if nothing else) escalates its ongoing psychological warfare against Teheran.

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