

Will the USA attack Iran?

Anonyme, Jueves, Junio 23, 2005 - 16:00

Steve Tremblay

The reasons for US belligerence thus remain the same as before the attack on Afghanistan and Iraq. This is control of the world's oil supply so that they can also gain the revenue from a strategic commodity traded largely in dollars. The dollars that flow to the US ($500 billion per year) help to pay for the continuing trade and budget deficits allowing the Federal Reserve to print dollars way beyond the level supported by the commodities produced in the real economy.

Without a UN mandate, the EU illegally fights and pays...

Anonyme, Miércoles, Junio 22, 2005 - 09:22

Henk Ruyssenaars

Bush welcomes European Union Traitors to the White Haus - The Netherlands war criminals send another thousand troops to fight and do the dirty work for the US.

Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 31, 1969 - 19:00

Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 31, 1969 - 19:00

TOURNÉE AutonomiZation 2005 / 1er COMMUNIQUÉ

Anonyme, Lunes, Junio 20, 2005 - 16:47

A l’initiative de SURRÉALISTE action et Distrolibre, une tournée copyleft sur le thème de l’autonomie est programmée pour la rentrée prochaine. Elle débutera le 3 et 4 septembre lors de la braderie de Lille et s’arrêtera dans toutes les régions de France, en passant par la Belgique et la Suisse. Le bouquet final aura lieu en région parisienne.

Destroy the Downing St. Memos ? Not on your Nelly!

Anonyme, Lunes, Junio 20, 2005 - 03:33

Henk Ruyssenaars

The last 25% is your life insurance, and is used 'in case of emergency', like when the journalist or whistleblower is "suicided".

FPF SPECIAL: NATO Europe taking over more illegal US warfare

Anonyme, Lunes, Junio 13, 2005 - 08:32

Henk Ruyssenaars

The collaborators in England, Romania, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany are to send extra troops to Afghanistan...

Charest en Haïti: un commis-voyageur au service de l'impérialisme

Eric Smith, Domingo, Junio 12, 2005 - 16:59


Lorsqu'on a appris que le Premier ministre du Québec Jean Charest avait l'intention d'aller passer quelques jours en Haïti, plusieurs ont sans doute, ne serait-ce que quelques instants, souhaité qu'il y reste, tant sa "performance" actuelle est affligeante. Sauf que la question se serait alors posée, à savoir: qu'est-ce que le peuple haïtien aurait bien pu faire de mal pour mériter ça?

Under Likud, illegal outposts received NIS 70 million to Build ....on Palestinian Land

Anonyme, Miércoles, Junio 8, 2005 - 22:07

Akiva Eldar

The Housing Ministry allocated at least NIS 70 million
to build infrastructure and erect public structures in
82 illegal outposts in the West Bank during the prime
ministerial terms of Benjamin Netanyahu (1996-1999)
and Ariel Sharon (2001-2004), Haaretz has learned from
an appendix to attorney Talia Sasson's report on the

G.W. Bush says "you're either with us, or against us", and he's not joking!

michc, Miércoles, Junio 8, 2005 - 00:29

Mike Corbeil

Teaser? Well, I can't think of a fitting one for the moment, being in rush mode. But, I guess, one could be "what about law & morality, [real] spirit; why's it so extremely absent, as is the case in our world of [imperialistic] immorality? Empire can work, but [most] people presently in temporal power certainly are not leaders".

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