

Pentagon: Eastern European bases for fighting in Middle East!

Anonyme, Lunes, Julio 18, 2005 - 09:26

Henk Ruyssenaars - fwd.

Confirming: The U.S. Army is conducting joint military exercises this month in Bulgaria and Romania as a key test of Pentagon plans to develop Eastern European bases as staging areas for fighting in the Middle East.

A Warning from Israel: What May Come After Evacuation of Jewish Settlers from Gaza Strip (?/!)

michc, Domingo, Julio 17, 2005 - 21:16

Mike Corbeil

As per the request specifically made by the authors of the article this is about and for, a copy is being sent for an additional post at CMAQ. And, in my opinion, the authors present a very important argument; enough, that I believe all should read their article. I don't know the three co-authors, having never heard of them, so my perspective is not thereby formed, developed; only being based on what they say may be coming ahead, for Palestinians of Gaza being something that strikes me as at least certainly plausible nature.

Candide et les Géants

Anonyme, Jueves, Julio 14, 2005 - 16:04


Satire de l'économie totalitaire.
Parodie de Voltaire et Le Clézio.

France closes borders - Minister: UK bombers earlier arrested

Anonyme, Jueves, Julio 14, 2005 - 06:30

Henk Ruyssenaars

Dark clouds on EU's horizon: France reintroduces border controls within the European Union after last week's terrorist bomb blasts in London. "Ninety-eight percent of crimes can be tried, but there remain two percent that justice cannot settle. They are called state secrets."

Forum Social Québécois : suite à la réunion du 6 juillet 2005 (Montréal)

Martin et Val?ɬ, Martes, Julio 12, 2005 - 13:06

Comité de coordination temporaire du Forum Social Québécois

Voici le compte-rendu de la dernière réunion du Comité de coordination temporaire du Forum Social Québécois, le 6 juillet dernier à Montréal.

En le lisant vous pourrez, notamment, prendre connaissance des différents comités de travail et des tâches concrètes à mener au sein de ces comités. Si vous souhaitez participer à ces travaux, nous vous invitons à nous contacter ( afin de connaître les dates et lieux des prochaines réunions.

Pour plus d'efficacité et de transparence, le Comité a choisi de se doter d'une structure légale en enregistrant notre projet sous le nom de "Initiative vers un Forum Social Québécois".
Enfin, en complément du compte-rendu, vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques informations importantes suite à notre rencontre avec la directrice générale de l'AQOCI vendredi dernier.

Pour réflexion, nous vous invitons également à liredeux éditions de "Grain de sable", publication mensuelle d'Attac international, dont les Nos 520 et 521 traitent de l'avenir des forums sociaux (voir

Vous souhaitant bonne lecture et dans l'attente de vous rencontrer lors d'une prochaine réunion,


Comité de coordination temporaire du Forum Social Québécois
5000, ave Henri Julien
Montréal (Qc) H2T 2E3
(514) 807-5974

European Union Bombed into Submission?

Anonyme, Lunes, Julio 11, 2005 - 12:46

Henk Ruyssenaars

So: MI5, MI6, Scotland Yard, The Special Forces and Branches, the Metropolitan Police, all the 'Bobbies' in the streets of London, Military, Air Force and/or 'Naval Intelligence' - and all other domestic and even the foreign 'security services' like the CIA and Mossad have been asleep on their watch?

Breaking: U.S and U.K. secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq!

Anonyme, Sábado, Julio 9, 2005 - 20:11


Mr Reid's memo, prepared for Mr Blair in the past few weeks, shows that in reality, plans to get them out - 'military drawdown,' as he puts it - are well advanced.

9 de julio: Día de Acción Global contra la Ocupación y el Muro del Apartheid

Anonyme, Sábado, Julio 9, 2005 - 01:51

Campaña Popular Palestina contra el Muro del Apartheid

El Pueblo Palestino se Moviliza en el Primer Aniversario de la Decisión de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) para demandar:

¡Destrucción del Muro del Apartheid!

¡Implementar la Decisión de la CIJ AHORA!

Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 31, 1969 - 19:00

UN Massacres up to 50 Haitians in pro-Aristide Slum

Anton, Viernes, Julio 8, 2005 - 11:41

Human Rights Delegation to Haiti

On Wednesday morning, July 6th, at approximately 3:00 AM, UN occupation
forces in Haiti carried out a major military operation in the
working-class neighborhood of Cite Soleil, one of the poorest in
Port-au-Prince and also a stronghold of support for Haiti's majority
political party Lavalas and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Presumably,
the purpose of the operation was to crack down on illegal "gang activity",
in particular on "gang" leader Dread Wilme. In actuality, a US trade union
and human rights delegation in Port-au-Prince discovered evidence of a
massacre conducted by the UN forces, targeting the larger community

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