
Resistance & Activism

Réflexions autour du 1er mai 2007 et des courants politiques qui l’ont animé

gnomecommuniste, Miércoles, Mayo 2, 2007 - 11:11

un gnome communiste

En hommage à nos camarades
qui ont occupé la FTQ
sauvagement répriméEs
par la police syndicale, les flics officiels
et décriéEs par des réformistes parmi nous

Online action: Canadian Clean Air Act is a fraud

Michael Lessard..., Miércoles, Mayo 2, 2007 - 10:26

Prime Minister Harper's Clean Air Act has been called "embarrassing" by David Suzuki and "a complete fraud" by Al Gore. What's more, Canada has been undermining international negotiations to stop climate change, receiving an international "award" for the worst country in the world on climate change last year. This is not what Canada is all about, and it has to stop. Let's use the form below to send Prime Minister Harper an avalanche of messages.

Follow the link for the petition promoted by

Parution du livre 'Micropolitiques des groupes'

Anonyme, Miércoles, Mayo 2, 2007 - 05:51

Micropolitiques des groupes
Pour une écologie des pratiques collectives

de David Vercauteren (en collaboration avec Thierry Müller et Olivier Crabbé)

HB Editions, mai 2007

Filipino Workers urged: Vote for truth, full employment

Anonyme, Miércoles, Mayo 2, 2007 - 01:57


Thousands of workers from the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) and the Confederation of Independent Unions (CIU) gathered in MetroManila, Lipa, Cebu, Davao City, Bacolod, Cagayan de Oro City,Zamboanga City and Cotabato City to commemorate the 104th International Labor Day, urging other workers to support candidateswho would vow to unearth the truth behind the 'Hello Garci' controversy.

Help Establish a South Okanagan-Similkameen National Park Reserve

Anonyme, Lunes, Abril 30, 2007 - 15:13

Our Greatest Conservation Opportunity: Protect Canada's Desert, Grasslands and Ponderosa Pine Forests in Southern BC!

Grève révolutionnaire !

gnomecommuniste, Lunes, Abril 30, 2007 - 09:57

un gnome communiste

Le système-mondial capitaliste s’étend partout, triomphe généralement. Sans une rupture révolutionnaire cohérente, sans un mouvement qui comprend ses limites internes, qui mène des actions et établit des pratiques qui se détachent des appareils de gestion et de sous-gestion(syndicats, partis de gauche, organisations réformistes…) de ce capitalisme, ce triomphe sera toujours complet.

URGENT ! Ex-membres du RIN recherchés...

Anonyme, Lunes, Abril 30, 2007 - 02:36

Nous recherchons des ex-membres du RIN, Rassemblement pour l'Indépendance Nationale du Québec...

Revolution-how much do we have to wait?

Anonyme, Domingo, Abril 29, 2007 - 00:38

Dimitry G

People that suffer from the present structure of society wonder if there is something better than this socio-politico-economic strucutre and if it is achievable. But many argue that the stanards of living have increased and we have more rights than ever. Is this statement true?And if it is i twill always be like that?

Preocupados por Cuba, muy preocupados

Anonyme, Sábado, Abril 28, 2007 - 06:51

Miguel Angel Llana
Revisado por Caty R.

Call for Submissions: Zine on Property Destruction

Anonyme, Sábado, Abril 28, 2007 - 02:46

Casey Ford

Entering the radical community, many quickly find themselves constantly hearing about debate over property destruction. Is it violence? Does it matter if it's violence? Is it effective? Is it alienating? And on and on. I've been hearing this argument pretty much since I regularly started attending protests. At this point, I almost don't want to deal with the subject. Naturally, you're asking, "Then why the hell do you want to make a zine about it?"

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