
Droits / Rights / Derecho

Poland - on its way to a new drug policy

Anonyme, Monday, January 17, 2005 - 06:30

Artur Radosz

On 6 January 2005, the Polish Ministry of Health presented a brave and realistic proposal of progressive new drug laws.

5ème Campement Intercontinental de la Jeunesse, FSM

Anonyme, Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 16:36

Le Québecois á 40°C

Information et derniers préparatifs sur le cinquième Campement Intercontinental de la Jeunesse qui prendra place du 24 au 31 janvier 2005 au parc Harmonia, à Porto Alegre, au Brésil.

Voir aussi :


Anonyme, Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 08:59



Ibdaa is the Intifada

Anonyme, Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 06:54

Aaron Lakoff

Ibdaa is the Intifada
By Aaron Lakoff
January 12th, 2005 – Dheisheh refugee camp, Bethlehem

If I had my head pressed hard under a gun, shivering, and praying for my life, what would I do? Where could I find hope? Could I find strength? I think I would give in. And I would think that giving in would be the only human reaction. But today in Bethlehem, I was proven wrong. Today in Bethlehem, I was inspired by people under that gun.

A Economia no Projecto Proudhoniano

Anonyme, Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 14:03

Francisco Trindade

A Economia no Projecto Proudhoniano


katherine, Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 17:09


Cet écrit de Hans RUESCH est la suite logique de son sensationnel "Expérimentation animale - Honte et échecs de la médecine". Il expose comment, avec l'aide des agences de presse et par la vénalité des mass-médias, le public a subi un lavage de cerveau le poussant à mettre "soins médicaux" et "santé" sur un même pied d'égalité, alors qu'en réalité il s'agit précisément du contraire : la médecine moderne est devenue à présent la source primordiale des maladies. C'est ainsi qu'en un an, 1,5 million d'Américains ont dû être hospitalisés par suite de l'administration de médicaments qui auraient dû les "guérir" d'une chose ou d'une autre.

L'expérimentation animale, immanquablement trompeuse, est évidemment l'alibi forgé par la Puissance Médicale pour extorquer de fabuleuses subventions pour une fausse recherche et pour protéger les fabricants de médicaments contre les poursuites en justice chaque fois que les suites néfastes de l'un de leurs produits ne peuvent plus être cachées.

Ce livre fournit les preuves de ce qui est avancé et, de plus, expose au grand jour des faits que nombre d'individus puissants voudraient voir enterrés à tout jamais.

Plusieurs extraits autorisés.

Chine: Trois ans de prison pour avoir diffusé ce tract

Eric Smith, Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 09:34


Le 24 décembre dernier, deux maoïstes de la ville de Zhengzhou ont été condamnés à trois ans de prison chacun en Chine, pour avoir diffusé un tract défendant l'héritage révolutionnaire de Mao Zedong et condamnant la clique de capitalistes qui ont usurpé la direction du Parti et de l'État dans ce pays.

Occupied Elections in Jerusalem

Anonyme, Sunday, January 9, 2005 - 15:04

Aaron Lakoff


Jerusalem - January 9th, 2005 - Miraculously, I awoke at 6:30am this morning. Izzy, the British girl I asked to wake me up, didn’t even need to. I groggily rolled out of my bunk and headed to a quick ISM meeting in the tea room of the hostel.

We decided that we were going to split up into groups of three and head out to the different polling stations located at post offices in East Jerusalem.

The first station we got to was a few blocks away from our hostel, a large post office called Al-Saladin. Palestinians of all shapes and stripes were beginning to arrive at 7:00am, and there were just as many (if not more) internationals, journalists, and foreign observers. This was going to be quite the show. [...]

See also:

Due to Israeli Restrictions First Palestinian Votes at 12:30 at Jerusalem Polling Center

Anonyme, Sunday, January 9, 2005 - 12:53

International Solidarity Movement

At approximately 12:30 PM today, 5½ hours after the opening of polling stations, the first Palestinian voter succeeded in casting a ballot at the Jaffa Gate post office in the old city of East Jerusalem.

Israeli-imposed obstacles to voting at the Jaffa Gate polling station typify the problems Palestinians are experiencing as they attempt to conduct democratic elections under Israeli occupation. The Israeli government is attempting to limit Palestinian voting in East Jerusalem in particular as part of an attempt to deny Palestinian rights and identity there.

Canadian Coalition Demands Demilitarization of Aid in Aceh, as Indonesian Military Continues Attacks

Anonyme, Friday, January 7, 2005 - 12:47

France-Isabelle LANGLOIS

(Montreal) - An ad hoc coalition of major Canadian civil society and aid organizations is demanding that the Indonesian government immediately cease all non-aid related military operations in Aceh in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster. The organizations condemn the Indonesian military’s failure to adhere to a ceasefire in Aceh province and its role in hindering the delivery of emergency aid.

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