

The Crude Reality behind Kyoto

Anonyme, Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 09:51

Eric Squire

After more than a decade of international climate treaty negotiations, the Kyoto Protocol is at last about to enter into force. But while February 16 is being hailed as a turning point by certain environmentalists, in the petroleum world the derricks churn on with utter indifference.

Global Warming Tsunamis of Environmentalism’s Death:

Anonyme, Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 19:21

Jason Marti

The ecological time bombs of trade (invasive species) and global warming are ticking away. The environmental movement has failed and should die so something better can take its place. We need to address the “real

Anonyme, Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 19:00

Roch Lanthier, the anti-asbestos warrior is no more

Anonyme, Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 04:37

Gopal Krishna

Campaign to ban white asbestos gained visibility despite denial by the industry. Roch Lanthier gave strength and support to asbestos victims in many countries who have benefited from the information he shared through the networks. Roch enabled the global movement to get in contact with the plight of asbestos victims in Quebec, Canada. He felt that brothers and sisters who have been injured by asbestos across the globe belong to the same family and if they can come together an end to over one hundred years of asbestos deaths is possible.


Anonyme, Monday, January 31, 2005 - 12:28

Matt Lechien

Début d'un dossier/débat consacré à l'altercroissance sur le site Bellaciao.

Il est minuit moins cinq à Chapais!

Anonyme, Monday, January 31, 2005 - 12:14

Mouvement Collectif pour la sauvegarde et l'observation des écosystèmes du Nord-du-Québec

Position de la Coalition SOS Levasseur dans le dossier des Innus de Betsiamite

Anonyme, Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 23:31

Coalition SOS Levasseur

Position de la Coalition SOS Levasseur dans le dossier des Innus de Betsiamite, de l'Île René-Levasseur et de la forêt en général.


batiste, Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 15:23

The Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East is appealing to the public and mass media to SUPPORT THE PROTEST ACTION OF SAKHALIN’S INDIGENOUS PEOPLES!

January 20, 2005 has been chosen as a day of Protest Action on the part of the Sakhalin Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, with the support of Sakhalin’s social movements and parties.

Canadian Coalition Demands Demilitarization of Aid in Aceh, as Indonesian Military Continues Attacks

Anonyme, Friday, January 7, 2005 - 12:47

France-Isabelle LANGLOIS

(Montreal) - An ad hoc coalition of major Canadian civil society and aid organizations is demanding that the Indonesian government immediately cease all non-aid related military operations in Aceh in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster. The organizations condemn the Indonesian military’s failure to adhere to a ceasefire in Aceh province and its role in hindering the delivery of emergency aid.


Anonyme, Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - 10:56

Matt Lechien

La chaîne de malbouffe Mc Donald’s France a annoncé début décembre la signature d’un partenariat avec trois sociétés dans le but de recycler 100% de son huile de friture afin de la transformer en carburant.

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