
Politiques & classes sociales

DRUG WAR BRIEFS: Hope For a Change

The Oldest Soul, Friday, April 11, 2003 - 13:18

Kevin Nelson

This week, marijuana possession cases are stayed in Ontario and Prince Edward Island, as Canadian laws against marijuana possession appear to be on the verge of collapse...

Russian Federation: Justice Must Be Done

The Oldest Soul, Friday, April 11, 2003 - 13:05

Amnesty International

Amnesty International calls on the Russian authorities to take steps to improve their record of bringing to justice people suspected of grave human rights violations in the Chechen Republic, in the course of full and fair trials...

North Korea: Human Rights Concerns

The Oldest Soul, Friday, April 11, 2003 - 12:57

Amnesty International

As the UN Commission on Human Rights discusses the human rights situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Amnesty International today expressed its concerns about continuing serious human rights violations in the country and the lack of effective action to reduce widespread malnutrition among the population...

"Operation Liberty Shield": Attack on Asylum-Seekers' Rights.

The Oldest Soul, Friday, April 11, 2003 - 12:38

Amnesty International

Amnesty International calls on citizens of the world to protest US Homeland Security decision to severely limit rights of asylum-seekers...

Bringing the War Back Home: The Stealth Assault on the Poor

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 18:45

David Hilfiker

The preparation for the United States' attack on Iraq must have been the most public in history. In contrast, the Bush Administration's stealth attack on the poor has gone almost unnoticed...

CALL TO ACTION: Shut Down George W. Bush's Visit to Ottawa

PML, Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 18:03


On May 5th, 2003, Emperor George W. Bush will visit Ottawa, Canada. As the homes of Iraqi people are bombed to rubble by U.S. and British forces, Emperor Bush will sit down to a posh state dinner in his honour at the Museum of Civilization. And as thousands of immigrants and refugees throughout North America are detained and deported, Bush will address a joint session of the Canadian Parliament on issues of border security, code for increased attacks against individuals and communities of colour in North America.

Pierre Dostie récupère les idées de la FARCE

batiste, Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 11:47


Anarchiste, présentez-vous

batiste, Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 11:21

Batiste W. Foisy

je viens de lire les commentaires de l'article de Mary-jo sur moi. Depuis que je fréquente le CMAQ. c'est la première fois que j'en vois autant. Et leurs auteurs s'entrebitchent. Un débat est né de ma petite initiative individuelle.

Je n'ai rien fait d'autre que d'acquitter de mes droits (et selon moi mon devoir) de citoyens et j'ai parti toute une polémique dans le monde anarchiste...


Québec : Le web libre menacé

Alain Dubois, Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 10:48

Alain Dubois

Le PLQ : un Québec sclérosé dans un Canada fort ?

Sisyphe, Wednesday, April 9, 2003 - 13:22

Micheline Carrier

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