

Montreal Launch of PEACE UNDER FIRE

simms, Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 05:57

International Solidarity Movement (ISM) - Montreal

Join us for the Montreal launch of Peace Under Fire, a recently published book which documents the work of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). This event will feature live music from Sam Shalabi, a film screening and presentations from ISM activists, including a live reading from Peace Under Fire by Radhika Sainath, an ISM activist based in New York City and one of the book editors.

FRIDAY OCTOBER 15th, Doors 7pm, $3
Cafe Esperanza, 5490 St. Laurent
(corner of St-Viateur, metro Laurier)

Un an déjà et toujours plus de débats sur Parole citoyenne

PatriciaB, Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - 14:41

Patricia Bergeron

P2P contre la censure

Anonyme, Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - 08:07


tout est dans le titre

Crony capitalism pushed to the extreme

Anonyme, Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 22:44

Au-Yang Cheong Tak

My full-time job for the past three years was being an entrepreneur looking for funding of my tech projects. It may seem awkward and irrelevant. But the story is a lot darker, more sophisticated and far-reaching than that. It is my firm belief that I have been targeted and the market is rigged to an impossible extent that plenty of VCs, media and influential businessmen are involved. The conspiracy is to isolate me so that assigned people can profit from those lucrative opportunities. This is one scandal that most if not all media dare not to unearth because of the vested interests. A blatant fraud that is of Enron's scale and potentially send shock waves across Asia and beyond.

United Nations leading repression of popular resistance in Haiti

Anonyme, Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 03:05

Haiti Information Project

In violation of the UN Charter and their mandate in Haiti, UN forces are illegally detaining civilians. the majority of Haitians still support the return of elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide, contrary to UN and mainstream media distortions.

Gouvernements étasunien, suisse et italien vs. Indymedia

Philippe de Rou..., Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 22:35

Philippe de Rougemont

fermeture d'Indymedia le 8 octobre. Information de l'AFP et commentaire perso.

Raid de la police sur les serveurs de Indymedia

Anonyme, Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 21:54

Les bureaux du fournisseur d'accès Internet de Indymedia ont fait l'objet d'un raid de la police aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni aujourd'hui. Un mandat de perquisition a été émis et les disques durs des serveurs ont été saisies. Aucune raison n'a été donnée pour justifier les perqusitions. Il est possible que la publications de renseignements sur des agents de la police suisse ou de renseigenments sur certains déléguées de la convention républicaine qui s'est tenu au mois de septembre à New York ait déclenché l'opération policière. Aucune de ces hypothèse n'a cependant été confirmée.

Voir aussi :

CBC misrepresents the facts in Haiti

Anonyme, Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 16:50

Haiti News Watch

State-owned CBC foments disinformation about the unrest in Haiti, helps cover up the terror campaign being waged on Haiti's masses. Call your MP today.

un collectif entièrement composé de volontaires

Anonyme, Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 09:50


Houston Indymedia se déclare (sur notre page d'accueil) un collectif entièrement composé de volontaires, pour beaucoup de raisons (voir plus bas).

Building the media bridge: Uniting youth in divided Yugoslavia

The Oldest Soul, Friday, October 1, 2004 - 22:58

Darren Shore

What do you do to ease racial tensions stemming from a war in which neighbours killed neighbours and friends turned on friends? In Kosovo, a province of Serbia still healing from ethnic bloodshed, non-governmental organizations are using community-based media to bring youth from both sides of the conflict together.

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