
Montreal Launch of PEACE UNDER FIRE

simms, Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 05:57

International Solidarity Movement (ISM) - Montreal

Join us for the Montreal launch of Peace Under Fire, a recently published book which documents the work of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). This event will feature live music from Sam Shalabi, a film screening and presentations from ISM activists, including a live reading from Peace Under Fire by Radhika Sainath, an ISM activist based in New York City and one of the book editors.

FRIDAY OCTOBER 15th, Doors 7pm, $3
Cafe Esperanza, 5490 St. Laurent
(corner of St-Viateur, metro Laurier)



Palestine / Israel and the International Solidarity Movement

FRIDAY OCTOBER 15th, Doors 7pm, $3
Cafe Esperanza, 5490 St. Laurent
(corner of St-Viateur, metro Laurier)

Join us for the Montreal launch of Peace Under Fire, a recently published book which documents the work of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). This event will feature live music from Sam Shalabi, a film screening and presentations from ISM activists, including a live reading from Peace Under Fire by Radhika Sainath an ISM activist based in New York City and one of the book editors.

Peace Under Fire documents the work of the ISM in Palestine through previously published news articles on the movement, first-hand accounts drawn from web-logs and diaries as they happened. The ISM is a Palestinian-led movement of Palestinian and International activists working to raise awareness of the struggle for Palestinian freedom and an end to Israeli occupation.

Info: Contact the International Solidarity Movement --- Montreal /

Co-Sponsored by:
SPHR - Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights
PAJU - Palestinian & Jewish Unity

Performances & Presentations Include:

  • Radhika Sainath: Radhika is an editor and contributor to Peace Under Fire and organizer with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) based in New York. Radhika spent a year coordinating ISM efforts in the northern West Bank in support of Palestinian nonviolent resistance to Israel's West Bank wall. In December 2003, after testifying in a lawsuit against the State of Israel, Radhika was followed by undercover Israeli police, abducted in downtown Tel Aviv, imprisoned and placed under house arrest.
  • A live performance from Sam Shalabi: One of the most recognized musicians in Montreal's blossoming independent music scene, Sam Shalabi's compositions mix traditional Arabic music with modern improvisational sounds. Recently Sam scored the music for the CBC documentary film "Being Osama", which documents the lives of six Montrealers named Osama post September 11th. This performance will be solo on the Oud.
  • Danielle Sara Frank will be projecting "Sunset over Qalqiliya", a film which documents the effects of the Apartheid Wall on the Palestinian city of Qalqiliya.
  • Helga Mankovitz: Helga is a Jewish grandmother with a life long interest in social justice. Last summer she completed her second visit to Palestine as a volunteer with the ISM. During her 7 week stay in Palestine, she traveled throughout the West Bank and to a Palestinian community within 1948 Palestine, learning a great deal about the extent of the apartheid practices of the Israeli state throughout Palestine.
  • Eileen Young: Eileen is a long-time social activist who works as a representative for a progressive Canadian publisher. She lives in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue and is an artist. In June 2004 she travelled to Palestine with a group of older women, who were all volunteers with the International Solidarity Movement's Freedom Summer 2004.
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