
Guerre / War

¡Finalmente atrapamos a nuestro Frankestein!

Anonyme, Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 10:41

Michael Moore.

Declaration de la Federation irakienne des syndicats de travailleurs (FIST) sur l'attaque brutale des forces d'occupation contre

Nicolas, Monday, December 15, 2003 - 10:41


Une dizaine de véhicules blindées et des dizaines de soldats des forces d'occupation américaine ont attaqué, le samedi 6 /12/2003 à 10h30, le siège temporaire de la Fédération Irakienne des Syndicats de Travailleurs ( situé au siège de l'Union du Transports et des Communication A Alawi Al Hilla dans le district AL Karkh à Bagdad). Huit dirigeants et cadres de la Fédération furent arrêtés et amenés menottés vers une destination inconnue.

Consenso en Irak: este hombre abatido no puede ser el jefe de la resistencia

Anonyme, Monday, December 15, 2003 - 09:40

Robert Fisk


Anonyme, Monday, December 15, 2003 - 09:33


La postguerra de los movimientos

Anonyme, Friday, December 12, 2003 - 17:04

Toni Negri

Toni Negri analiza en este artículo las condiciones de que ha de afrontar el movimiento global y/o contra la guerra en el periodo de "posguerra". Artículo publicado en el número 3 (junio de 2003) de la revista Global Magazine. Traducción del italiano de Lenz.

Salesmen of Death

The Oldest Soul, Friday, December 12, 2003 - 15:31

John Pilger

Tony Blair arrived in the subcontinent on what was called a "peace mission." In fact, as the Indian press revealed, he discussed the opposite of peace - a £1billion deal to sell India 60 Hawk fighter-bombers made by British Aerospace...

The International Human Rights Day sees world support build for international Arms Trade Treaty

The Oldest Soul, Friday, December 12, 2003 - 15:25

Amnesty International

The political leaders of Brazil, Cambodia, Mali, Macedonia, Costa Rica, Finland and the Netherlands have pledged their support for an international Arms Trade Treaty. This landmark announcement comes just two months after the Control Arms campaign was launched by Amnesty International, Oxfam and the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)...

Jammu and Kashmir: Severe Neglect of Human Rights

The Oldest Soul, Friday, December 12, 2003 - 15:21

Amnesty International

Armed opposition groups reportedly regularly kill non-combatants, including the elderly, women and children. Members of the Hindu minority and political figures are increasingly targeted for killings, although the vast majority of those killed are Muslim victims of militant bombings or encounters between the security forces and armed groups... - The War Trilogy

Anonyme, Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 14:51


Grassroots Internet Success Story: Activists Use Internet to Distribute Anti-War Song Trilogy

UK: Rocky Reception Planned for Thief-in-Chief

simms, Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 16:36


It's official: George W. Bush has arrived in London.

And despite Tony Blair's plea for pro-Bush demonstrations, protests of all kinds are planned across the UK to disrupt Dubya's visit.

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