
Guerre / War

Chronique militaire

Pieuvre, Monday, October 13, 2003 - 19:09


Rencontre entre Mister GUN et General TANK


Pieuvre, Monday, October 13, 2003 - 19:05


Tribune industrielle et militaire

Du 14 au 17 octobre, au Château Frontenac, l’armée états-unienne et l’armée canadienne feront du magasinage et rencontreront les compagnies d’armements et les centres de recherche pour remettre leur stock d’armes à jour.

À Québec, du 14 au 17 octobre, nos agences gouvernementales offriront, avec nos impôts, des crédits et subventions pour la recherche militaire, du capital de risque…

Voyez aussi ce vidéo: Rencontre entre Mister GUN et General TANK

Private Company Manages Daily Bombing of Korean Village

The Oldest Soul, Monday, October 13, 2003 - 14:06

Aaron Glantz

...Five years ago, the bombing range was privatized and its management turned over the multinational weapons contractor Lockheed Martin...

George Bush v.s. US National Security

The Oldest Soul, Monday, October 13, 2003 - 13:50

Edward Herman

The Bush administration took advantage of the new fear environment and stoked patriotism to push its National Missile Defense (NMD) and other military projects that had absolutely nothing to do with combating al Qaeda and terrorism, but which neither the media nor Democrats contested...

Virtual Democracies

The Oldest Soul, Monday, October 13, 2003 - 13:31

Kenneth Davidson

Modern democracies have been around for long enough for neoliberal capitalists to learn how to subvert them. They have mastered the technique of infiltrating the instruments of democracy - the 'independent', judiciary the 'free press', the parliament - and moulding them to their purpose...

Information-consommation, information-spectacle et information propagande : une nouvelle ère est née, la guerre de l’informa

LBR, Friday, October 10, 2003 - 13:52

Alain Bergeron

Il est de plus en plus évident que nous entrons dans une nouvelle phase dans le domaine de la communication. Une étape que l’on peut décrire comme une véritable crise de l’information. Il faudrait être de mauvaise foi pour ne pas reconnaître qu’il existe un malaise général à ce chapitre et qu’il se révèle sous diverses formes et dans plusieurs situations.


Anonyme, Sunday, October 5, 2003 - 23:08


Palestine and

Anonyme, Sunday, October 5, 2003 - 01:31


The Project is an effort to launch a new website that will monitor conflicts around the world. is intended to serve as a hub to major links relevant to articles on conflicts located world-wide. is proud to participate in an effort to help fund the Project:

US Air Force subliminal broadcasting

Anonyme, Friday, October 3, 2003 - 18:40


Interesting article on US government subliminal broadcasting with the EC-130E aircraft

US Justice Dept. gave White House time to destroy records - NPR buries story

Anonyme, Friday, October 3, 2003 - 05:30

Charles Jenks

On Oct 2nd, Nina Totenberg reported on NPR that the Justice Dept. granted a White House request to delay an order to preserve records for the criminal investigation on the CIA agent's exposure. NPR then deleted the report from the show's transcript.

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