
Guerre / War

Haiti slum repels police amid angry protests

Anonyme, Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 00:47

Haiti Information Project

The morgue at the General Hospital issued an emergency call this afternoon stating that there was no longer space for new corpses and it had reached full

'Peace Under Fire': Montreal Activists Bear Witness to Palestinians' Plight

simms, Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 00:13


Montreal, September 16th - The limited but welcoming space of Café Esperanza's "Waiting Room" was filled to the brim Friday night for the Montreal launch of "Peace Under Fire", a compilation of stories about the experiences of International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activists in Israeli-occupied Palestine, and about the struggle of the Palestinian people in general.

Bush Ordered 9/11 - Proven

Anonyme, Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 17:11

Mark McCarron

2004: "We have docs that say Bush ordered 9/11."

Clandestine Interview from Haiti: Resistance in the Slums of Port-au-Prince

Anonyme, Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 11:22

Black Commentator

Canadian, America, French, United Nations sanctioned genocide looms....

ISM Update and Reports: Olive Harvest Campaign Updates + Waiting for Shabak

simms, Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 07:48

International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

An ISM update from the palsolidarity mailing list ..

  1. Olive Harvest Update from Nablus: "a sign of a successful day..."
  2. Report from the Village of Salim and Balata Camp, Nablus
  3. Waiting for Shabak


Catholic Priest Arrested in Haiti

Anonyme, Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 04:36

Haiti Information Project

Former military and death squads are heavily armed and will be attacking pro-Aristide strongholds with United Nations complicity. Mass killings are expected. Denounce these actions, tell the Canadian government who sit idly by knowing that they have overthrown democracy and are covering up the most heinous of crimes committed in the names of their citizens and "humanitarianism" in Haiti!!! Expose their lies!

Les frontières mentales du tribalisme

pier trottier, Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 14:41

Il y a quelque temps, dans un essai antérieur, je critiquai l’évaluation éthique du patriotisme. Un lecteur français qui lut une traduction de cet article faite par l’écrivain Pierre Trottier – La maladie morale du patriotisme - écrivit un long plaidoyer en faveur des frontières nationales...

Mary Kelly on Trial - Call for support

Anonyme, Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 06:20

Fairview Against The War (Ireland)

Mary's latest re-trial is set to begin on 20th October 2004. -- She is charged under Irish law with 'criminal damage without lawful excuse' for using a fire-axe to disarm a US Navy 737 at Shannon Airport, Ireland, in the run-up to the attack on Iraq in Jan 2003. This is the third attempt by the Irish government to convict her - please translate/distribute the PDF flyer and help support her

Montreal Launch of PEACE UNDER FIRE

simms, Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 05:57

International Solidarity Movement (ISM) - Montreal

Join us for the Montreal launch of Peace Under Fire, a recently published book which documents the work of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). This event will feature live music from Sam Shalabi, a film screening and presentations from ISM activists, including a live reading from Peace Under Fire by Radhika Sainath, an ISM activist based in New York City and one of the book editors.

FRIDAY OCTOBER 15th, Doors 7pm, $3
Cafe Esperanza, 5490 St. Laurent
(corner of St-Viateur, metro Laurier)

For The Neo-Cons, the War in Iraq is Already Won

Anonyme, Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - 11:36

Sam Labrier


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