Guerre / WarInfo War on USA PublicAnonyme, Monday, October 20, 2003 - 23:17 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Info War on USA Public STOP George W. BUSH in AUSTRALIA - Big Mobilisations...Anonyme, Monday, October 20, 2003 - 10:13
Stop the War Coalition, SYDNEY
email: STWC...@yahoo.com.au BE ALERT! BE ALARMED! THE BIGGEST TERRORIST IN THE WORLD IS COMING TO AUSTRALIA !!! Join us in organising the GIANT protests against the Bush visit on Oct22 (5pm @ Sydney Town Hall) and Oct23 (9am @ NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION @ Parliament Hill, Canberra) Visit http://www.StopDubya.org/ and join our up-to-date low-volume e-list @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Stop_the_WAR/ Lea Estrategia Internacional Nro. 20 en InternetAnonyme, Monday, October 20, 2003 - 09:07
Panorama Internacional
Publicación de teoría y política marxista revolucionaria Nº 20 - Septiembre 2003 The Real Reasons Behind US Intervention in ColombiaThe Oldest Soul, Sunday, October 19, 2003 - 11:56
Doug Stokes
This article explains how we can account for the continuity of US counter-insurgency (CI) in post-Cold War Colombia... Le Château Frontenac transformé en foire militaire : l'opposition se fait entendre!neonyme, Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - 21:39
Demonstration against the occupation of IrakAnonyme, Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 15:41 Demonstration against the occupation of Irak. Saturday 25 october at 1:00 pm from Dominion Square (corner of Peel and Rene-Levesque). Grande manifestation à Montréal contre l'occupation en Irak!Anonyme, Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 15:34 Grande marche à Montréal contre l'occupation en Irak samedi le 25 octobre prochain à 13h, au Carré Dominion, coin Pell et René-Lévesque. Pancartes et banderolles bienvenues. Prière de mobiliser le plus de gens possible autour de vous! La Syrie dans l'oeil du cyclone par Silvia CattoriAnonyme, Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 13:29 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Silvia Cattori
La Syrie est un petit pays, le reflet d’une grande civilisation, dont nous ignorons presque tout. Un pays qui mérite d’être mieux connu, visité, aimé. Il y a fort à craindre que cette charmante contrée qui n’aspire qu’à vivre en paix, ne devienne le théâtre d’une nouvelle tragédie. PHR-Israel: Al-Dura Denied Access to Medical Care; Mobile Clinic; moreAnonyme, Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 13:13
Physicians for Human Rights–Israel
"Israel is leaving al-Dura without appropriate medical relief, as happens with thousands of Palestinians every day. If the defense establishment believes al-Dura is a security risk, it should ensure he receives proper medical care in Israel." THE REAL WMD QUESTION - WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER? (WHERE'S MY DADDY?)Anonyme, Monday, October 13, 2003 - 20:33
Michael Todd.
Millions of dollars are spent searching for WMD in Iraq; they may not exist. When I was in Iraq looking for something that does (my daughter), I was captured by the US Army and held as a terrorist suspect for three weeks. Mr Bush, Mr Blair, search for the truth, not a lie. Where's Mr Daughter? ![]() |
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