

Bush or Kerry? No Difference

clément, Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 21:30

John Pilger

A myth equal to the fable of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is gaining strength on both sides of the Atlantic. It is that John Kerry offers a world-view different from that of George W Bush. Watch this big lie grow as Kerry is crowned the Democratic candidate and the "anyone but Bush" movement becomes a liberal cause celebre.

Física Oculta, Tecnología de Tesla y la Crisis Energética Mundial

franzjutta, Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 16:12

Franz J.T. Lee

A pesar de que muchos de nosotros no somos expertos en Física Oculta, Ufología (“Ciencia

The US and Russia: Democracy in Check

Anonyme, Monday, October 18, 2004 - 16:30

Brandon Batzloff

At the end of September, 115 politicians and foreign
policy experts signed a letter that was delivered to
the heads of NATO and European Union States. The
letter criticized Russian President, Vladimir Putin's
recent moves to end Democratic process in Russia. One
of the recipients of the letter was George Bush, jr.
As a man who has moved to end Democratic process in
his own country, it would have been very hypocritical
of Bush to condemn Putin for his actions. Consequently the only rebuke was Bush stating that he hopes Putin does not abandon Democracy upheld by checks and balances within the Russian government (The First Bush), but even this was ironic.

Concerning UFOs!

franzjutta, Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 18:12

Franz J. T. Lee, Bill Lyne and Steven Hunt

Franz J. T. Lee, Bill Lyne and Steven Hunt recently engaged in a high scientific standard and educative debate on Tesla Technology and UFOs:

Original Commentary on VHeadline, see:

Steven Hunt:
Franz, I have read several of your essays with great interest. By and large I agree with the rudimentary changes being forged by the Venezuelan people with the arrival of Bolivarian politics. However, this conjecture about vacuum energy is far too sketchy, not backed up by empirical data.

I am not saying that this is not true -- what I am saying is that conjecture about this issue makes one look like a "kook', a "conspiracy theorist." Here in the US, some on the left and right believe that sectors of the US government participated and abetted the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. What is missing is a 'smoking gun," incontrovertible evidence that a link exists.

Workers Struggle to Take Over a Paper Mill in Venezuela

Anonyme, Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 14:08

Jorge Martin

On September 7, 2004, the owners of Venepal, a paper mill in Morón, Carabobo, in Venezuela, decided to cease their operations and not pay their 400 workers their wages. This is not the first time something like this has happened. A year ago the company took the same decision alleging financial difficulties. At that time the workers decided to occupy the premises in a bitter eleven-week struggle. Now they are demanding that the government nationalizes the company and puts it under workers’ control and management. This is an extremely important struggle which could be crucial for the future of the labor movement and the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela.

Venepal is one of the main producers of paper and cardboard in Venezuela and its installations are located in Morón, in the industrial state of Carabobo. At one point it employed a total of 1,600 workers, controlled 40% of the national market and was one of the main producers of Latin America in this sector. But the company’s management allowed the paper mill to slowly lose market shares and revenues. In April 2002, at the time of the short lived military coup against Chávez, some of its main shareholders were present at the swearing in ceremony for the new, illegitimate, "president" Pedro Carmona. During the bosses’ lockout against the Chávez government in December-January 2002-03 the workers resisted attempts by the employers to paralyze the installations.

Occult Physics, Tesla Technology and the World Energy Crisis

franzjutta, Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 08:28

Franz J. T. Lee

Although many of us are not experts in Occult Physics, Ufology, Tesla Technology or Global Oil Politics, nonetheless, these things directly affect our daily lives ... they even concern the defense of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela and Latin America.

Consequently, for all of us, it is of ultra-importance to have some cognitive notions about decisive world events that generally, for obvious reasons, do not appear in the daily headlines of the international news.

In fact, to formulate revolutionary theory in this epoch of "globalization", the above knowledge is scientifically imperative and philosophically indispensable. Surely, because of its trans-historic magnitude, it is not always possible to explain their essence in simple terms.

Here in this short commentary, very simply we'll just deal with a few general, outstanding topics, mainly with their social, ideological, philosophical and emancipatory aspects. The pertaining questions themselves are very simple: for example, does an Occult Ether Physics really exist?

Victoire d'Indymedia ?

Anonyme, Friday, October 15, 2004 - 03:09

Tout le monde parle de victoire, je ne vois pas où

Vernissage de l'exposition "Villes Fantastiques" de Marcel Thériault

Martin et Val?ɬ, Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 15:17

Catholic Priest Arrested in Haiti

Anonyme, Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 04:36

Haiti Information Project

Former military and death squads are heavily armed and will be attacking pro-Aristide strongholds with United Nations complicity. Mass killings are expected. Denounce these actions, tell the Canadian government who sit idly by knowing that they have overthrown democracy and are covering up the most heinous of crimes committed in the names of their citizens and "humanitarianism" in Haiti!!! Expose their lies!

Les frontières mentales du tribalisme

pier trottier, Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 14:41

Il y a quelque temps, dans un essai antérieur, je critiquai l’évaluation éthique du patriotisme. Un lecteur français qui lut une traduction de cet article faite par l’écrivain Pierre Trottier – La maladie morale du patriotisme - écrivit un long plaidoyer en faveur des frontières nationales...

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