


Anonyme, Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - 17:37

Étudiant inquiet

George Bush viendra passer deux jours au Canada dès le 30 novembre prochain.

Fallujah, un sangriento espejismo de similares genocidios venideros

Anonyme, Monday, November 15, 2004 - 15:28

Franz J. T. Lee

Hace poco, durante las elecciones estadounidenses, citábamos a Orwell y le advertíamos al pueblo norteamericano sobre lo que el “Hermano Mayor

Venezuela: Global Emancipation versus Mental Holocaust

Anonyme, Monday, November 15, 2004 - 12:58

Franz J. T. Lee

Seeing that we here are now celebrating "150 Years after the Abolition of Slavery in Venezuela", within the context of the "Revolution In The Revolution", it is imperative to bring to our attention the fact, that the social and mental emancipation of wage-slaves across the globe, has yet never ever been accomplished. In reality, the European Mental Holocaust since centuries implanted into our very "souls" is still haunting our daily existence.

Hence, an intrinsic part of the current "deepening of the revolution" concerns precisely the annihilation of all forms of a slave mentality, of mental slavery, of dissocialization and "maleducation" for barbarism. Only as such the Bolivarian Revolution will be able to create real, true, emancipatory scientific práxis and philosophic theory. Not only Marx stated it, the very bourgeois, capitalist thinkers of the Enlightenment, all of them, began with religious critique, before they launched their social philosophy, the political theory of the French Revolution. We have no substitute for this, no alternative, we have to do likewise.

Global Slavery and World Emancipation

Anonyme, Sunday, November 14, 2004 - 10:17

Franz J. T.Lee

What is classical slavery? Before we define our concept of "slavery," let us first delineate what commonly is being understood by "slaves" or "slavery." The "Dictionary of the English Language," Fourth Edition (2003), scientifically gives us very precise definitions.

Slavery is:

1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.

2. a. The practice of owning slaves.
2. b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.

3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.

4. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery."

Des doutes sur l’élection de G.W. Bush ?

pythagore, Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 09:28

Bush a-t-il été démocratiquement élu cette fois-ci ou a-t-il (encore) obtenu le pouvoir suprême par la fraude ?
Rien ne permet de prouver l'une ou l'autre hypothèse. C'est là que le bât blesse...


Anonyme, Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 06:40



Norte siembra las siete plagas en América Latina

Anonyme, Friday, November 12, 2004 - 17:22

Franz J. T. Lee

Para un cuarto de siglo pasé toda mi juventud en Sudáfrica del Apartheid y experimenté lo de qué se trata con el fascismo. Mi propio nacimiento era un escándalo “racial

Fallujah: Fiction meets Reality

Anonyme, Friday, November 12, 2004 - 11:00

Jutta Schmitt

With one of the first strategic military targets being a hospital so as to avoid pictures of civilians reduced to bits and pieces reaching the world and negatively impacting on Operation "Bomb 'em all into Oblivion," the razing to the ground of Fallujah ... the city of the "die-hard insurgents" and "home to absolute evil" ... has taken its course.

In a truly asymmetric "war," the American military has been using novel and devastating methods to clear Fallujah’s streets. It has adapted a mine-clearing system, based on a rocket-propelled hose with explosives attached, used for the first time on D-Day on the fortified beaches of Normandy", as we learn from Times Defense editor, Michael Evans.

Fallujah, a bloody fata morgana of many similar genocides to come

Anonyme, Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 21:50

Franz J. T. Lee

By Franz J. T. Lee

A while ago, during the American elections, we quoted Orwell, warning the peoples of the USA about what Big Brother Bush and his fascist, military consorts have in mind for them, and for the rest of the world:

"We shall crush you down to the point, from which there is no coming back. ... Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you.

Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."

Perturbons le congrès du Parti Libéral!

Anonyme, Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 21:43



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