
Solidarite internationale

Warlords and drug-lords oust Malalai Joya from the parliament

Michael Lessard..., Viernes, Mayo 25, 2007 - 17:36

In the past few weeks, after Malalai Joya's return from a successful international tour and interview with a local TV station in Kabul, the warlords and criminals in the Afghan Parliament and Senate, tried hard to silence Joya and kick her out of the Parliament.

They have used one of her recent comments during an interview as a justification for their move. In the interview, she expressed that the Afghan Parliament is worse than an animal stable whose many members are the murderers and enemies of Afghan people.

:: Follow the link below >>

Afghan/Canada Warlords vs woman MP: Reinstate Malalai Joya!

Michael Lessard..., Miércoles, Mayo 23, 2007 - 18:49

Canadian Peace Alliance

Afghan MP and Women’s Rights Activist Suspended by Canadian
Supported Warlord Government

Canadian Peace Alliance - May 23, 2007

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s visit to Afghanistan comes just one day after Malalai Joya, an outspoken women’s rights activist and Member of the Afghan Parliament, was suspended. The pretext for her suspension was her description of the Afghan Parliament as no better than a ‘zoo’. But it was clearly aimed at silencing her criticism of the Afghanistan government.

An Incarcerated APPO Counselor Reports Receiving a Death Threat from the State Governor

Moogly, Miércoles, Mayo 16, 2007 - 22:12

Olivier D.

David Venegas Reyes Visited in Prison by a Governor Emissary; Repression Against Autonomist Movements Increases

The needs of Nepal overshadowed by the UN's guise for peace and security.

amy, Viernes, Mayo 11, 2007 - 13:37

Amy Miller, Mahmood Ali

The world hasn’t been paying attention to Nepal lately. Why would they? As the plan of action seems to go for the Goliath International Institution, the UN comfortably settled into the poor South Asian country last year ready to play its usual role of peace broker, supplier and judge and the global gaze moved on to newer, more exciting stories. The few stories that we can read are often published from New Delhi, and follow the UN line.

By Amy Miller [1] and Mahmood Ali [2]

Nepal: Revolution at a Turning Point

Eric Smith, Jueves, Mayo 3, 2007 - 17:21


Abridged from an article published in Le Drapeau Rouge newspaper, No. 63, April 2007.

Developments over the last year in Nepal, after more than 10 years of armed struggle that shook the foundations of the old regime and won admiration from millions of exploited people and proletarians around the world, did not go without generating debates within the international communist movement-and within forces supporting revolution in that country. Many wonder about the decisions made by the leadership of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN[M)]) and the future of their revolution. Important Maoist parties like the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Communist Party of the Philippines publicly expressed their dissent with the Nepali comrades. (1)

Haiti: freedom of expression cannot prevail if there is no justice for murdered journalists

Anonyme, Jueves, Mayo 3, 2007 - 07:58

Amnesty International

Take action now!

Send your appeals to the Haitian government to end impunity for the killing of eight journalists in Haiti since 2000.

Communiqué de l'Assemblée permanente étudiante UIS, Colombie

PASC, Lunes, Abril 30, 2007 - 14:14

Assemblée permanente étudiante Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombie


L’assemblée permanente des étudiant-e-s de la UIS nous adressons à la communauté en général afin d’exposer les raisons pour lesquelles nous avons opté pour le mécanisme d’assemblée permanente.

Les gens de Oaxaca nous interpellent (synthèse d’une conf. à Québec)

Michael Lessard..., Jueves, Abril 26, 2007 - 22:02

Synthèse personnelle d’une conférence à Québec par une représentante des peuples de Oaxaca en lutte pour leurs droits démocratiques (17 avril 2007).


- Mme Dolores Villalobos Cuamatz, au nom du réseau des communautés indigènes qu’elle représente, juge que la répression appliquée à Oaxaca était une guerre contre les gens de tout âge.

- Ces peuples ont peut-être de quoi à nous apprendre sur le respect de la démocratie et sur l’entraide

- Asunción : une représentante trépasse en luttant pour son peuple

- Malgré la répression, les médias et les hommes de pouvoir, la solidarité internationale va s’élever
--- Réponses à « Que pouvons-nous faire pour vous aider ? ».
--- Les leaders politiques et religieux se taisent
--- Les médias de masse en disent quoi ?
--- Les mouvements internationalistes vont bouger... Et les Chrétien-nes?

Abandonnés de nos Elus? Mémoire ARCI & Lettre aux Candidats à l'Election Présidentielle 2007

koutoukou, Viernes, Abril 20, 2007 - 18:42


L’Association des Rapatriés de Côte d’Ivoire (ARCI), plus de deux ans après les faits, et alors qu’aucune réponse d’envergure n’a été donnée aux demandes des rapatriés et qu’une mission d’information parlementaire sur la situation des rapatriés de Côte d’Ivoire a présenté les conclusions de son projet de rapport, saisit les candidats aux élections présidentielles. l’ARCI attend des engagements fermes et précis des candidats, et leur soumet le présent mémoire et les pièces annexes.

Lire la suite sur ou sur le Forum ARCI ADESCI rubrique "Présidentielles 2007"

Réflexions de Fidel Castro

Anonyme, Viernes, Abril 20, 2007 - 12:10

Fidel Castro

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