

Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 31, 1969 - 19:00

British and American leaders likened to Nazi war criminals

Anonyme, Domingo, Octubre 9, 2005 - 02:25

FPF-fwd.: Andrew Sparrow - Telegraph - UK

Good news: Even in a mainstream paper like 'The Telegraph' in England reality begins to dawn! Scott Ritter - former UN inspector: "Both these men could be pulled up as war criminals for engaging in actions that we condemned Germany in 1946 for doing," he said.

This 24th of September 2005, there are good reasons to denounce the occupation of Iraq.

Collectif de Qu..., Sábado, Octubre 8, 2005 - 12:41

Commission Paix du RéseauFS Québec Chaudière-Appalaches

This is the statement (open letter) from the Quebec City peace network (commission Paix : ) written for Sept. 24, 2005 in solidarity with the protests across the USA and the world (sorry it took us many days to translate).
Commercial medias did not publish it, but it was posted in French and English to various grassroots medias.

Holocaust and Hiroshima Imperialism and Mass Murder in the Twentieth Century

Anonyme, Viernes, Octubre 7, 2005 - 08:23


In the court of history victors don't commit war crimes. The accusations are usually only reserved for the losers. However, it is clear from any objective view of the wars of the Twentieth Century that both sides in both world wars committed atrocities that a century earlier would have been condemned as inhuman.

Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 31, 1969 - 19:00


Anonyme, Miércoles, Octubre 5, 2005 - 07:51



Dispatch 2: Canada's Role in Haiti Profile of Two Chimères: Or, Some Pre-Elections Context

Anonyme, Lunes, Octubre 3, 2005 - 21:28

Andréa Schmidt

Today, I met the infamous chimères – two young men, Lavalas activists from
the Delmas 2 sector of Bel Air, one of Port-au-Prince's popular
neighborhoods. Their names are Désir St Phard and Fan Fan Fénélon, and
they are on the run. When I left them late this afternoon, they didn't
know where they were going to sleep tonight. But they know where they want
to be in a few months, if they can make it.

Shame on Spain!

Anonyme, Martes, Septiembre 27, 2005 - 06:17

Henk Ruyssenaars

Without justice or shame! The verdict against the people in the 'terror' process in Spain is a shame on an international scale. They make the terror and other people go to jail for it? What kind of corrupt world is that?

The Great African Charade

Anonyme, Lunes, Septiembre 26, 2005 - 08:04

Aid is a tool of the core capitalist countries in their struggle to control and exploit the weaker peripheral countries. While we are told in public about the moral imperatives our leaders feel to help their African brothers and how they give aid from the goodness of their hearts a different story is told in private.

Haiti as Gardening Project, Canada as Vigilant Gardener

Anonyme, Domingo, Septiembre 25, 2005 - 22:20

Andréa Schmidt

Canada’s Role(s) in Haiti: Dispatch 1

Not many people can look you in the eye and say “I am the power of the

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