
Haiti as Gardening Project, Canada as Vigilant Gardener

Anonyme, Domingo, Septiembre 25, 2005 - 22:20

Andréa Schmidt

Canada’s Role(s) in Haiti: Dispatch 1

Not many people can look you in the eye and say “I am the power of the

So-Ann is a popular singer and Lavalas supporter. She has been in jail
since U.S. marines arrested her on May 10, 2004. First, she was charged
with associating with members of the mosque in Bel Air in order to plan
attacks on U.S. military. Then, when someone noticed that they’d pulled
the charges out of the wrong occupied country file, So-Ann was accused
with killing a baby with a mortar and pestle during a voodoo ritual
performed for expelled President Aristide. But So-Ann knows she’s a
political prisoner, held because of her capacity to mobilize the people of
the poor neighborhoods of Bel Air and Cité Soleil under the banner of
Fanmi Lavalas in the upcoming elections. In her words, the people who are
running the country “have no interest in having me leave this place.

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