

ISM: Thoughts and Actions on the Nakba + more

simms, Lunes, Mayo 16, 2005 - 07:00

Israel: Nombreuses arrestations prévues dans les milieux d’extrême droite.

Anonyme, Martes, Mayo 10, 2005 - 13:39

Ortographiste Degeneré V2 Reloded II

Premières arrestations préventives de militants d’extrême droite en prévision du désengagement. Si l’information est intéressante, les réactions de l’extrême droite et le vocabulaire qu’elle emploie ne le sont pas moins..

ISM: March to City Under Siege; Nablus; Sitting in Jail + more

simms, Martes, Mayo 10, 2005 - 05:56

International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

An update from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) mailing list:

  1. Residents of Assira march directly to Nablus
  2. Nablus - by Lena
  3. Hebron Palestinian families in crisis: settlers escalate violence - CPT
  4. There we sat in jail

Land, Decolonization & Self-Determination

IPSM, Viernes, Mayo 6, 2005 - 15:03


May 13-15, 2005
Université du Québec a  Montréal (UQAM)
Pavillon Hubert-Aquin, Room A-M050
400 Ste-Catherine East
(Metro Berri-UQAM)

Land, Decolonization and Self-Determination aims to demystify the process of
decolonization in the 'Canadian' state. The conference will bring together
those at the forefront of self-determination struggles, and organizers and
activists participating in solidarity work across Turtle Island (ie. occupied
North America).

This conference will strategize ways to dismantle the colonial 'Canadian'
state, break down the walls of Fortress North America, and forge links of
resistance. Let us share information, advance dialogue and fight together.

Islamophobie et néocolonialisme: film et discussion

Anonyme, Sábado, Abril 30, 2005 - 12:34


Première Nord-Américaine
Projection du film "Un Racisme à peine voilé"
Dans le cadre du festival anarchiste de Montréal.

Libé Loco Locass!!!

Anonyme, Martes, Abril 26, 2005 - 09:06

Xénophobes, homophobes, suceux de flics et de juges, et obsédés par la moindre manifestation de la langue anglaise...

What about the Racism That We Face? (Racism within and by union)

Anonyme, Lunes, Abril 11, 2005 - 16:51

Anonymous From Canada

This Article is written by a member of a Canadian union and Originally published at

Racism has an unquestionably destructive effect upon worker solidarity.
What strategies do unions have in place for combating racism within the union?

La liste annuelle des coups, bosses, falsifications et autres activités régulières de la flicaille québécoise (2004-2005)

Anonyme, Domingo, Febrero 27, 2005 - 07:57

Marco Silvestro - Couac Dinner

À partir de sources publiques, la liste des excès policiers pour la période mars 2004 à février 2005, organisée par thèmes: arrestations politiques, morts et blessures graves, brutalité policière, racisme et profilage ethnique, répression de la prostitution, abus de pouvoir et falsifications, etc.!!

Canada is Legitimizing Suppression of Haitian Democracy: Filmmaker

Anonyme, Domingo, Febrero 20, 2005 - 02:15

"[The RCMP are] boasting about training the HNP as an institution, and
yet they're not accepting any responsibility, particularly when the HNP
goes into poor neighbourhoods and performs massacres against Aristide

Canada, Haiti, Life After Coup: Interview with Jean Saint-Vil

Anonyme, Viernes, Febrero 4, 2005 - 02:01

When people talk about the coup, they talk about it being against President Aristide, they don't recognize that it's also the elected officials from the year 2000 elections that were cancelled. In place of those elected officials are
criminals, gang leaders, former CIA employees that were hiding in the Dominican Republic and armed by the US and used to overthrow the government.

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