

FRANCE - Octobre 2010 - Chronologie non exhaustive de la répression des manifestants

Anonyme, Jueves, Octubre 28, 2010 - 18:40


Bulletin d'information du collectif Contre Les Abus Policiers
Bordeaux - France


Ce mois d'octobre 2010 aura été à la fois difficile et riche d'enseignements pour tous ceux qui ont manifesté les retraites.

Dur apprentissage en particulier pour les lycéen-nes et collégien-nes, pour la plupart, mineur-e-s, matraqué-e-s, menotté-e-s, giflé-e-s, palpé-e-s, humilié-e-s, emprisonné-e-s, jugé-e-s, condamné-e-s.

Arundhati Roy under threat of “sedition”: I Pity The Nation That Needs To Jail Those Who Ask For Justice

CMAQ via Mic, Miércoles, Octubre 27, 2010 - 19:49

Arundhati Roy

[ For her recent talk on Kashmir writer Arundhati Roy has come under threat of “sedition” charges in India. These speeches are currently being analyzed by Delhi police. Video of her talk is shown in the online version of this commentary posted on ZNet..

Her response to the threat is below. ]

By Arundhati Roy
Wednesday, October 26, 2010

I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning's papers say that I may be arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public meetings on Kashmir. I said what millions of people here say every day. I said what I, as well as other commentators have written and said for years. Anybody who cares to read the transcripts of my speeches will see that they were fundamentally a call for justice. I spoke about justice for the people of Kashmir who live under one of the most brutal military occupations in the world; for Kashmiri Pandits who live out the tragedy of having been driven out of their homeland; for Dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose graves I visited on garbage heaps in their villages in Cuddalore; for the Indian poor who pay the price of this occupation in material ways and who are now learning to live in the terror of what is becoming a police state.

[Israel] This Peaceful Position Takes Courage [repression of Israelis denouncing racism and murder]

CMAQ via Mic, Miércoles, Octubre 27, 2010 - 19:37

By Mel Frykberg, Inter Press Service

EAST JERUSALEM, Oct 20, 2010 (IPS) - A former captain in the Israeli Air Force, previously an ardent Zionist who lost many members of his family in the Holocaust, has been labelled a psychopath and denounced by many Israelis for the moral stand he has taken against the Israeli occupation.

Yonatan Shapira, 38, was fired from his job, has been verbally abused in public, subjected to death threats in newspaper talk-back comments, called a traitor by many Israelis, falsely charged with assaulting Israeli security forces, and interrogated by Israel's domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet.

While Israel often gets a lot of negative publicity for its brutal treatment of Palestinians and the inherent racism within its society, there is a growing core of Israeli human rights activists who are challenging government policy -- and paying a high price for their courage.

Iraq war logs : Frago 242 – a licence to torture [2010 leaks]

CMAQ via Mic, Lunes, Octubre 25, 2010 - 20:39

Channel4, republished by TheREALnews Network (TRNN)

Channel4 : Released US military files reveal an instruction to ignore detainee abuse by Iraqi authorities

October 25, 2010 - How the newly released US military files reveal an instruction to ignore detainee abuse by Iraqi authorities; what that meant on the ground; and just how far up the chain of command the order went.

from The Real News Network

CMAQ (Mic) Note : we have no reason whatsoever to believe this horror is not ongoing at the moment.

Etat de la répression policière et du racisme qui se déroule à Lyon et en France

douakies, Viernes, Octubre 22, 2010 - 18:04

Répression policière depuis jeudi dernier à Lyon...

GIPN dans la rue, hélicoptère, CRS en masse, BAC, prison à ciel ouverte détenant plus de 300 personnes, affrontements, fichage, racisme, jeunesse identitaire déchainés dans les rues.

Le capitalisme entraîne l'humanité dans la misère

Anonyme, Viernes, Octubre 22, 2010 - 00:29

Un sympathisant du CCI

Tous les gouvernements, d’extrême droite, de droite, de gauche ou d’extrême gauche, mènent partout les mêmes attaques ignobles contre les conditions de vie et de travail, les mêmes vagues de licenciements, les mêmes coupes budgétaires… Résultat, dans tous les pays, les populations sont en train de plonger dans la misère.

American Anti U.S.A. Police State Rock Album Released

Anonyme, Jueves, Octubre 21, 2010 - 11:25

scott huminski

Anti USA Police State rock music album released by American rocker who has been targeted with a decade of government oppression. Scott X and the Constitution Commandos take on corrupt and criminal acts of the government with their new album: "Fighting the U.S. Police State With Music".

Perverted Ireland's Modest Proposal to Cutbacks

Anonyme, Jueves, Octubre 21, 2010 - 06:35


The Paedo Party of Ireland have come up with their own particularly Irish solution, to massive cutbacks against the people of no property in Ireland, rather than the impudent solution of the French Trade Unions protecting their 35 hour week and retirement at 60.

Le meurtre de Fredy Villanueva en dessin animé

lacrap, Martes, Octubre 19, 2010 - 01:28

Ne tombez pas dans le panneau ! La pseudo reconstitution virtuelle du meurtre de Fredy Villanueva n’est rien d’autre qu’un dessin animé de mauvais goût qui déshumanise les victimes de l’agent Jean-Loup Lapointe au point de les rendre méconnaissable. La rigueur scientifique de ce semblant de reconstitution est d’ailleurs pour le moins questionnable compte tenu que ses concepteurs ont donné libre cours à leur créativité. N’oublions surtout pas que ce dessin animé sordide a été commandité par l’employeur de l’agent Jean-Loup Lapointe et déposé en preuve par le même procureur qui a blanchi l’assassin de Fredy.

Alex Hundert bâillonné par la cour!

patc, Lunes, Octubre 18, 2010 - 02:18

TheREALnews Network (TRNN) - produit par Jesse Freeston

Alex Hundert, une des 20 personnes accusées de complot dans la foulée des mobilisations contre le G20, est forcé d'accepter un nouvel assortiment de conditions, dont celle de « ne pas exprimer ses opinions politiques en public, y compris aux médias ».

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