

MONDAY JULY 12th: PACK the Federal Court Hearing! - Stop the Deportation of Shamim Akhtar & Her Family to Pakistan

Anonyme, Sábado, Julio 10, 2004 - 14:04

No One is Illegal - Montreal


CKUT Radio: The Struggle Against Pakistani Deportations in Montreal

Anonyme, Jueves, Julio 8, 2004 - 02:24

Stefan Christoff

On Friday June 25th a solidarity demonstration was held outside of the Montreal offices of Citizenship & Immigration Canada in support of Shamim Akhtar & her family's struggle against deportation from Canada. Shamim Akhtar, her husband Naeem Khan and their four children continue to face deportation admits a public & political struggle against their removal.

Déportation reportée! MISE À JOUR à propos de SHAMIM AKHTAR & SA FAMILLE

Anonyme, Lunes, Julio 5, 2004 - 23:28

No One is Illegal - Montreal

La déportation de Shamim Akhtar et celle de sa famille ont été reportées par Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada (CIC). Actuellement la famille est à Montréal et continue à lutter contre l’ordre de déportation en cours à l’aide de l’appui du Comité d’Action des Réfugiés Pakistanais. Vôtre présence solidaire et vos actions sont primordiales afin d’assurer que la déportation soit annulée.

UPDATE ON SHAMIM AKHTAR & HER FAMILY - Deportation Delayed! Keep up the pressure!

Anonyme, Lunes, Julio 5, 2004 - 18:07

No One is Illegal

Shamim Akhtar and her family's deportation has been delayed by Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC). At this time the family is in Montreal and continues to struggle against their pending deportation, with the support of the Action Committee of Pakistani Refugees. Your continued support, solidarity and action is essential in assuring that the deportation is halted.

Attention this is a rectification: Protest against Palestinian deportations!

Anonyme, Viernes, Julio 2, 2004 - 22:40

What happened? The protest was supposed to be on July 1st, it is now due to happen on Sunday July 10th! The announcers could not reach to the public on time and they apologize! The problem remains as urgent! Come and resist against the Palestinian deportations! This message is a rectification for the previous article!

Protest against the deportation of Palestinians

Anonyme, Lunes, Junio 28, 2004 - 11:17

No one is illegal - Stop the deportations – Commite d’appui S-SPalestine.

The protest did not let out enough steam, out of every person standing in front of the electoral bureau, not one found the problem with the residence of the 100 Palestinians could be delayed yet it is there : the immigrants are menaced of deportation by government and immigration Canada and we need answers. Why should they have to be deported in Palestine. No one is illegal is announcing the next protest on Wednesday 1st of July.

The protest against the deportation of Palestiniens went well...

Anonyme, Viernes, Junio 25, 2004 - 15:19

< Move- replace> No one is illegal- Stop the deportations
The protest did not let out enough for the esteem of every person standing in front of the electoral bureau, the problem with the residence of the 100 palestinens is that the there the immigrants are menaced and we need answers on why they have to be deported in Palestine. No one is illegal is announcing the next protest on wednesday 1st of July.

< No one is illegal - Stop the deportations >

{Zmag} Stateless and Deported: Palestinian Refugees in Montreal

Anonyme, Viernes, Junio 25, 2004 - 02:44

Justin Podur

An Interview with the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees

Non-Status Algerians on Trial -- Fighting Criminalization of their Struggle

Anonyme, Miércoles, Junio 23, 2004 - 18:34

No One Is Illegal-Mtl

On May 29th, 2003 10 non-status Algerians and 2 supporters occupied then-Immigration Minister Denis Coderre's Ottawa office.

-- A brief history of the Action Committee for Non-Status Algerians' struggle
-- The story of the arrest on May 29th

Les sans-statut Algériens en procès - luttons contre la criminalization des sans papiers

Anonyme, Miércoles, Junio 23, 2004 - 18:16

Le 29 mai 2003, 10 sans-statut algériens et 2 supportrices ont occupé le bureau d'Ottawa de l'ancien ministre de l'Immigration, Denis Coderre.

-- Une brève histoire de la lutte du Comité d'Action des Sans-Statut
-- L'histoire de l'arrestation du 29 mai
-- De l'information sur le procès qui s'en vient
-- Des moyens par lesquels vous pouvez soutenir les accuséEs

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