


Anonyme, Miércoles, Marzo 8, 2006 - 14:53


View the trailer for Grenada: The Maroon Spirit, a new documentary film about the island of Grenada

ITER - Lettre ouverte aux fossoyeurs du Débat Public

Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 6, 2006 - 06:17

La L.D.H. 04 dénonce la manière scandaleuse dont se déroule le débat public à propos du projet ITER prévu sur le site du CEA de Cadarache.

Grassy Narrows Warns Weyerhaeuser: “Withdraw or Face Fierce Campaign”

Anonyme, Miércoles, Marzo 1, 2006 - 15:07

Rainforest Action Network

The Grassy Narrows First Nation, an indigenous community in Northwestern Ontario, has issued an ultimatum to logging giants Weyerhaeser and Abitibi-Consolidated. The companies must either immediately stop their destructive use of the land or prepare themselves for a fierce international campaign.

Heather and Paul McCartney Visit Seal Nursery Just Days Before Brutal Slaughter Begins

Anonyme, Lunes, Febrero 27, 2006 - 21:52


WASHINGTON-Later this week, Heather and Paul McCartney will join The Humane Society of the United States on the ice floes off the East Coast of Canada to observe newborn harp seal pups just weeks before they will be clubbed and shot to death for their fur.


Katrina Survivors Fight to Return to St. Bernard Housing Project

Anonyme, Lunes, Febrero 27, 2006 - 17:32

Revolution #037

On February 14, Walid and I and several others left Houston well before dawn to make the seven-hour drive to New Orleans. That afternoon, Walid and I walked through the deserted St. Bernard Development -- the largest housing project in the city. Walid grew up and lived here until he was a young man. Between then and now, he has been to Angola Prison farm, learned a skill as a cabinet maker, and lived in California for several years. He was forced out by Katrina and now lives in Houston.

Something serious is happening to our planet which we are not being told about

Anonyme, Sábado, Febrero 25, 2006 - 16:59


Is the problem weather, or is it war?

BBC plan for surviving nuclear armageddon

UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq shells/Mushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal

France: Risque de catastrophe nucléaire

Anonyme, Viernes, Febrero 24, 2006 - 06:26


Les événements précurseurs d'une catastrophe nucléaire...

Philippines: une catastrophe pas si "naturelle" que ça

Anonyme, Lunes, Febrero 20, 2006 - 12:09


Tandis que tous les regards sont tournés vers la performance de "nos athlètes" à Turin, les médias canadiens ont fait peu de cas de l'horrible catastrophe qui s'est produite vendredi dernier aux Philippines, lorsqu'un glissement de terrain a littéralement englouti le village de Guinsaugon, situé sur l'île de Leyte, à l'est du pays. Bâti à flanc de montagne, le village est disparu sous une couche de boue atteignant par endroits les 10 mètres d'épaisseur. Quarante-huit heures plus tard, seulement 57 survivantes et survivants avaient été retracéEs sur les quelque 1 857 habitantes et habitants qui y vivaient...

Canadian Company To Move Three Glaciers To Open Gold Mine In Chile -- Farmers Protest

Mr.Rocks, Martes, Febrero 14, 2006 - 18:54

The Santiago Times, Chile - By Jade Frank

Canadian international mining company Barrick Gold has plans to relocate three glaciers in the mountain range between Argentina and Chile to gain access to 17.6 million oz. of rich gold and silver deposits.

Earth Justice Action Summer & Internship!

Anonyme, Lunes, Febrero 13, 2006 - 16:48

Rainforest Action Network

This summer, Rainforest Action Network and ForestEthics will select a team of individuals interested in learning to live, organize, and take non-violent direct action with the community of Grassy Narrows and help them pressure Weyerhaeuser and Abitibi Consolidated to indefinitely and immediately halt logging in their territory until the community has decided amongst themselves how they want to manage their land. We seek dedicated activists, writers, photographers and videographers with a commitment to social and ecological justice.

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