

Les esclaves de notre temps / Les immigrants apatrides

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 15:08

Jorge Majfud

traduit de l’espagnol par :
Pierre Trottier

Une des images des plus typiques – que nous corrigions: stéréotypiques – d’un mexicain a été, depuis le siècle passé, un homme de peu de stature, ivre et querelleur qui, lorsqu’il n’apparaissait pas avec une guitare chantant un air local, était dépeint assis sur la chaussée faisant une sieste avec son énorme chapeau. Cette image du parfait fainéant, du vicieux irrationnel, nous pouvons la voir à partir de vielles illustrations du XIX è siècle jusqu’aux souvenirs que ces mêmes mexicains produisent afin de satisfaire l’industrie touristique, en passant par les bandes comiques des revues et les dessins animés de Walt Disney et Warner Bros du XX è siècle. Nous savons que rien n’est fortuit; encore les défenseurs de « l’innocence » de l’art, de la valeur peu importante et récréative du ciné, de la musique et de la littérature ne peuvent empêcher que nous signalions la transcendance éthique et la fonctionnalité idéologique des personnages les plus infantiles et des narrations les plus ‘’neutres’’. Bien sûr, l’art est beaucoup plus qu’un simple instrument idéologique; mais cela ne le met pas à l’abri de la manipulation idéologique qu’un groupe humain fait de lui en son bénéfice propre et au préjudice d’autrui. A moins que nous n’appelions pas « art » ces ordures.

Discontent in Iraqi Kurdistan

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 11:38

27 March 2006. A World to Win News Service. Every year on 16 March, there is a ceremony in the town of Halabja in the eastern part of Iraqi Kurdistan in memory of the 5,000 people killed in 1988 when Saddam Hussein sent aircraft to drop poison gas in an effort to deter Kurds from rebelling against his regime. Saddam was supported by the US then, and Washington prevented the UN Security Council from denouncing this crime, even though the US was later to use this incident as one of its pretexts for invading Iraq.

Film review: Rang de Basanti

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 11:27

Millions of Indians raged and wept at the execution of the brave youth who chanted anti-British slogans and “Inquilab Zindabad

Latino Voices Against the Iraq War

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 11:19

From March 12-27, throughout neighborhoods across Tijuana, San Diego, Santa Ana, Los Angeles, and San Francisco—covering over 241 miles—the Caminata por la paz (March for Peace) is protesting the war and bloodshed in Iraq and the escalating attacks on immigrants.

DC Immigrants March

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 11:15

On March 7, 30,000 to 40,000 Latino immigrants streamed out of subway trains and dozens and dozens of buses from every corner of Washington, DC, and the surrounding area. Groups from workplaces came in uniform. Day laborers, hotel workers, construction workers, church congregations, high school and college students, and families from Maryland and Virginia were there.

Immigrants Stand Up and Say NO to Repression

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 11:09

In the last few weeks, immigrants and their supporters have launched a nationwide wave of resistance against the repressive attacks on them. Last issue we covered both the massive march in Chicago on March 10 and militant streetcorner, grassroots resistance in L.A. In this issue we bring you news of a demonstration of 30,000 to 40,000 in DC and an anti-war march that went from Tijuana to L.A., crossing more borders than just the physical one in doing so. On this page we bring you excerpts from a statement by the Chicago branch of the RCP which puts the struggle in the larger context of revolution, communism, as well as a basic and brief analysis of what is up with the anti-immigrant bills.

Sir! No Sir! - A Film About The GI Movement Against The War In Vietnam

Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 27, 2006 - 20:25

“The Vietnam War has been the subject of hundreds of films, both fiction and non-fiction, but this story—the story of the rebellion of thousands of American soldiers against the war—has never been told in film. This is certainly not for lack of evidence...

What Is Behind the Immigrants’ Struggle — And Why We Must Support It!

Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 27, 2006 - 20:20

A great upsurge is taking place across the United States! Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are stepping out of the shadows, into the sun. In Chicago, up to a half million filled Daley Plaza, shutting down the city, chanting "¡se siente, se siente, el inmigrante esta presente!" ( The immigrants are here, you can feel it!) In Milwaukee—home of Congressman Sensenbrenner, author of the cruel bill that set off the protests—25,000 marched. Tens of thousands went into the streets in Washington DC. In Phoenix, over 20,000 demonstrators marched to the office of Republican Senator Jon Kyl, co-sponsor of a bill that would give illegal immigrants up to five years to leave the country. In Georgia, tens of thousands of immigrants stayed away from work in protest against a new state law there that would deny state services to adults living in the U.S. illegally and impose a 5 percent surcharge on wire transfers from illegal immigrants. As we go to press, students have walked out of schools throughout Southern California, and hundreds of thousands are filling the streets of Los Angeles.

Le rôle de la désinformation dans les élections fédérales au Québec

Franc-Parler, Lunes, Marzo 27, 2006 - 17:46

Comité éditorial de Franc-Parler

Franc-Parler reproduit un article écrit au lendemain des élections fédérales 2006. Dans le cadre du discours du trône du nouveau gouvernement du Parti Conservateur le 4 avril, la désinformation s'intensifie à propos du résultat des élections et de l'annexion du Canada aux États-Unis. La récente visite de Stephen Harper en Afghanistan en est un exemple frappant.


Anonyme, Domingo, Marzo 26, 2006 - 20:37

Eduardo R. Saguier

Para impedir que el recuerdo de su pasado claudicante arrase la imagen que fabula o simula de su identidad presente, la historiadora-directorial Girbal construye un pasado “fraudulentamente metamorfoseado

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