GlobalisationRefining the Concept of DecadenceAnonyme, Sábado, Mayo 14, 2011 - 06:16 Introduction Every previous society has, at a certain point of its development, reached a period of decay which, over time, characterises it more and more, leading to the prevalence of a parasitic appropriation of wealth and a drive toward barbarism. http://www.istitutoonoratodamen.it/joomla/documenti/151-decadenceconcept Le droit des pays d'étiqueter les aliments OGM est menacéCMAQ via Mic, Martes, Mayo 10, 2011 - 14:36 Réunion du Codex Alimentarius à Québec Le 10 mai 2010 - Le Regroupement québécois contre les OGM (RQcOGM), une coalition réunissant un large éventail d'associations de consommateurs, d'agriculteurs et de groupes environnementaux, presse le Canada d'adopter une position ralliant la majorité des pays, dans le cadre de négociations internationales sur l'étiquetage des aliments génétiquement modifiés (OGM). Sous l'égide des Nations Unies, la Commission du Codex alimentarius, qui se réunit à Québec du 9 au 13 mai, tentera à nouveau de s'entendre sur des recommandations pour l'étiquetage des aliments OGM, un travail amorcé en 1991 et qui, s'il n'aboutit pas, sera vraisemblablement abandonné. Il s'agit donc de la réunion de la dernière chance et l'attitude du Canada, qui préside la séance, sera déterminante. Economics as Brainwashing and The Careerist Gets the JobAnonyme, Martes, Mayo 10, 2011 - 13:39
Annick Eimer and Lutz von Rosenstiel
The self-regulating market, stylizing all problems as exogenous, not endogenous. equating corporate profits with community health and regarding the financial sector5 as private, not public are fatal myths as shown by Enron, Tepco, Citigroup and all tax cheat corporations. Is economics out of touch with reality? How can the financial sector be shriveled? Can the real economy survive when financial profits amount to 40 percent of corporate profits? Viva economic learning! How Our Money Goes to Support the Slave Trade (pt. 3)Anonyme, Viernes, Mayo 6, 2011 - 04:00
Sudhama Ranganathan
When we think of the wars raging today our nation is involved in Iraq and Afghanistan and think of private contractors many things come to mind. We may think of the overcharging of the government for services by Halliburton. We may think of the many scandals involving Blackwater (Xe) including illegally smuggling weapons and others for which they were banned from Iraq. We may think of DynCorp’s multiple instances of being involved in sexual slavery. Face aux dictatures et aux démocraties : à bas la peur ! vive la lutte massive !Anonyme, Jueves, Mayo 5, 2011 - 01:04
Un sympathisant du CCI
Face aux dictatures de gauche comme de droite et aux démocraties bourgeoises, il faut résister ! Caesar Stephen Harper: “providing for the poor is a provincial, not a federal responsibility.”Anonyme, Martes, Abril 26, 2011 - 00:01
Anonymous Zero
Caesar Stephen Harper: “providing for the poor is a provincial, not a federal responsibility.” En campagne contre Vinci: autoroute en construction entre Moscou et Saint-PétersbourgAnonyme, Lunes, Abril 25, 2011 - 16:48 DU 28 AVRIL AU 4 MAI: CAMPAGNE D'AFFICHAGE - Téléchargez l'affiche et le tract sur http://stopvinci.noblogs.org/ How Our Money Goes to Support the Slave Trade (pt. 1)Anonyme, Lunes, Abril 18, 2011 - 05:04
Sudhama Ranganathan
Right now conservatives and progressives across my country, America, are considering ways to cut government spending. One of the options tossed about concerns cuts to military spending. Within this area there are so many things to consider. There are so many things to discuss and ways to break each of them down. ¡Sayonara, Japón! ¿Ya terminó el juego capitalista?Anonyme, Jueves, Abril 7, 2011 - 13:58
Franz J. T. Lee
Alea jacta est ... ¿Terminó el juego? ¿Queremos y podemos despertarnos ahora mismo para aniquilar el capitalismo? Venezuela and the Globe, will we go down in atomic radiation without putting up a global anti-capitalist fight?franzlee, Martes, Marzo 29, 2011 - 13:21 (Analyses | Culture | Ecologie | Globalisation | Politiques & classes sociales | Repression | Solidarite internationale)
Franz J. T. Lee
Venezuela, the question is: as a huge oil producing country will we really go down in atomic radiation disaster without declaring global war against the current imperialist disasters in Japan and Libya? ![]() |
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