GlobalisationObama, this is a systemic breakdown of capitalismAnonyme, Martes, Marzo 10, 2009 - 12:22
Franz J. T. Lee
Let us touch the emancipatory sublime, let us get out of the capitalist rat holes, imperialist sewerage systems and corporate quagmires and reach out for the stars -- per aspera ad astra! Entrevue avec Jean-Claude Paye, sociologue, sur ''l'affaire Tarnac''Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 2, 2009 - 17:01 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Audio | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Economy | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Media | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Repression | Resistance & Activism) À l'occasion de la campagne de solidarité avec les 9 inculpéEs de la soi-disant "affaire Tarnac" (dont Julien Coupat toujours en prison), nous avons interviewé le sociologue Jean-Claude Paye, auteur de l'article L’affaire de Tarnac : symptôme d’une société psychotique. Scientific Prediction of the Big Crash already three years agoAnonyme, Sábado, Febrero 28, 2009 - 14:53
Franz J. T. Lee
In a commentary, three years ago, explaining Marxist 'crisis theory', I predicted scientifically the current American crash! Coming Workers' Riots in the Metropolis: Carte Blanche for Global Fascism?Anonyme, Martes, Febrero 24, 2009 - 10:08
Franz J. T. Lee
By Franz J. T. Lee The Sword of Damocles hovering over the Motor Industry As we know, General Motors and Chrysler asked for another $21 billion in government financing. This was in addition to the already approved $17.4 billion at the end of 2008. This is what I call sacred bourgeois fraternity. Capitalist catastrophe and proletarian strugglesAnonyme, Domingo, Febrero 22, 2009 - 08:22
Hi fellows, here is the very first draft translation in English of the first pages of our last review in French "Communisme" N°60. Sorry for the language but improvements will come later. Meanwhile, have a good reading and we are waiting for your comments and critics... The Revolution Delayed: 10 Years of Hugo Chávez’s RuleAnonyme, Sábado, Febrero 21, 2009 - 18:16 (Analyses | Economy | Gender (fem.; sex.) | Globalisation | Politiques & classes sociales | Repression | Varia)
El Libertario, Venezuela
* A translation of a March 2008 interview conducted by the French anarchist Charles Reeve with two members of the El Libertario group www.nodo50.org/ellibertario in Caracas, the nation’s capital, which offers some stark insights into the reality of the situation. Leer más »» | | 1 adjunto Class Solidarity with the General Strike of the Caribbean Workers!Anonyme, Martes, Febrero 17, 2009 - 17:44
After a 4 weeks long general strike in Guadeloupe which has also extended for 10 days in Martinique, the struggle of the workers of these two Caribbean islands enters a difficult phase. The French government has just refused its support for the draft agreement on a wage increase which took shape between the trade unions and the employers organization. Leer más »» | | 1 adjunto In Venezuela, is the extreme right meeting the extreme left?franz, Lunes, Febrero 9, 2009 - 21:02
Franz J. T. Lee
In Venezuela, the issue: to obtain something that is since decades democratic and normal in many countries, in Britain, Germany and elsewhere: for leading public governmental figures the possibility to be freely re-elected by popular vote, as long as the sovereign deems it necessary. The campaign for the bank users strike beginsAnonyme, Domingo, Febrero 8, 2009 - 16:14 Leer más »» | | 1 adjunto Déclaration de mouvements au FSM 2009: Nous ne payerons pas la crise!Michael Lessard..., Domingo, Febrero 8, 2009 - 13:21 (Communiqués | Aboriginal Nations | Forum/Foro social | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Resistance & Activism) Pour des alternatives anti-impérialistes, anti-capitalistes, féministes, écologistes et socialistes ! Nous vous partageons cette déclaration car elle nomme clairement le capitalisme comme cause et problème et ce forum s'est tenu de manière solidaire des peuples d'Amazonie (remarquez que les «mesures urgentes» proposées ne sont alors que des premiers pas et non des prétentions de solutions). Elle nomme surtout des journées de résistance —contre le G20 et l'OTAN par exemple— proposées par des mouvements dans le monde.
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