GlobalisationGate Gourmet_Workers Defeated by UnionsAnonyme, Lunes, Diciembre 19, 2005 - 17:15
By uniting with Gate Gourmet workers, the baggage handlers proved that while the class is united it is powerful. Along with other sections of the working class, BA workers facing future attacks can use this weapon to succeed. Ni anarquismo vergonzante ni anti imperialismo desvergonzado: Réplica a P. MorasAnonyme, Viernes, Diciembre 16, 2005 - 16:25
Redacción del periódico El Libertario
* El equipo redactor de El Libertario, vocero de la Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) de Venezuela, responde a los señalamientos del artículo "Anarquismo, antiimperialismo, Cuba y Venezuela", difundido recientemente vía Internet, donde desde el desconocimiento y la falsificación se intenta descalificar nuestra perspectiva sobre la realidad venezolana. Invitation, projection du film Wal-Mart, le coût élevé des bas prixDany, Lunes, Diciembre 12, 2005 - 00:15 (Communiqués | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Economy | Globalisation | Poverty | Repression | Resistance & Activism) Les DéclencheurEs présente le film de Robert Greenwald Veuillez noter que le film sera présenté dans sa version AFRICA Showcase of Capitalist DeclineAnonyme, Domingo, Diciembre 11, 2005 - 15:24
Steve Tremblay
To answer it is necessary to undestand the materials causes of the present catastrophe. Ministérielle OMC Hong-Kong : communiqué d'Attac-QuébecAnonyme, Jueves, Diciembre 8, 2005 - 10:21
Síntese Hegeliana e Equilíbrio ProudhonianoAnonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 7, 2005 - 14:50
Francisco Trindade
Síntese Hegeliana e Equilíbrio Proudhoniano Breve Apresentação de P.-J. ProudhonAnonyme, Sábado, Diciembre 3, 2005 - 10:53
Francisco Trindade
Breve Apresentação de P.-J. Proudhon Yves Engler de Action Haiti Montreal passe au moins 4 jours en prisonShez, Sábado, Diciembre 3, 2005 - 07:13 (Communiqués | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Elections & partis | Globalisation | Imperialism | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
Réseau d`action Canada Haiti
Yves Engler, activiste de Action Haiti emprisonné pour au moins 4 jours pour avoir chahuté le premier ministre Bush: US Titanic stays the course towards Victory!Anonyme, Jueves, Diciembre 1, 2005 - 13:10
Henk Ruyssenaars
In his speech at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, George Bush stated that he rejected the polls showing that most Americans think the war is a terrible mistake, and are getting convinced the 'Bush Junta' has no clear strategy for witdrawl nor staving off further chaos in Iraq. Disneyland, Doha and the WTO in Hong Kong: The Spectacle of Corporate Fear, Absurdity and the New UniversalismAnonyme, Martes, Noviembre 22, 2005 - 08:37
Tran Do
t's fitting that the Sixth WTO Ministerial should arrive in Hong Kong only a couple of months after the opening of Disneyland. In both cases reality is abandoned at the door, while fiction and fantasy take over. The magical Doha 'Development' Round promises an end to global poverty and a new prosperity for all -- based on an agenda that boosts transnational corporate power and demolishes the remnants of political and social barriers to corporate profit. Like a rollercoaster ride through a fictional world, we set off to alleviate global poverty and arrive at greater impoverishment as the destination. There's a lot of smoke and mirrors and dazzling special effects, but we end up where we began. Published on Z-Net: ![]() |
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