GlobalisationCOMMENTAIRES AU MESSAGE DE PAIX DE BENOÎT XVI DU PREMIER JANVIER 2006Anonyme, Martes, Enero 3, 2006 - 10:38 (Analyses | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Globalisation | Imperialism | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Religion | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
Le message papal du premier janvier est l’occasion pour l’Église de faire entendre sa voix sur la paix dans le monde et de rappeler les conditions qui doivent la fonder. Benoît XVI ne s’est pas soustrait à cette tradition et a fait porter son intervention du 1ier janvier 2006, sur la paix. Elle était d’autant plus attendue que c’était la première fois, en tant que Pape, qu’il avait l’occasion de donner son point de vue sur les problèmes qui alimentent les guerres et rendent si difficile l’avènement de la paix dans le monde. Il a énoncé des principes, condamné des actions et encouragé d’autres. Toutefois, ses silences sur des questions pourtant importantes réduisent fortement la portée de son message. Russia vs Ukraine: KGB stops gas to CIAforpressfound, Lunes, Enero 2, 2006 - 11:47
Henk Ruyssenaars
Democracy's Rapid Deployment Force? Bush promised to support young democracies: a special corps of federal workers that will deploy quickly to help foreign governments in crisis - like in the Ukraine. No Fim de mais um Glorioso Ano - momentos de dentroAnonyme, Lunes, Enero 2, 2006 - 08:13
Francisco trindade
No Fim de mais um Glorioso Ano - momentos de dentro WSF Caracas: Shroud for Venezuela’s social movementsAnonyme, Viernes, Diciembre 30, 2005 - 16:59
Rafael Uzcategui
* A member of the group promoting the Alternative Social Forum explains why the World Social Forum (WSF), taking place in Caracas during January 2006, is another attempt by the Chavez government to impede the autonomous development of social struggles in the country. Venezuela: Un Cardenal sermonea sobre las MisionesAnonyme, Jueves, Diciembre 29, 2005 - 16:02
Sofia Comuniello
* Partiendo de lo descrito por un conocido defensor en el extranjero del actual gobierno venezolano, se examina lo que hay tras las promocionadas Misiones o programas de acción social del régimen chavista. Argentine & Brazil: more countries escape IMF garotteforpressfound, Miércoles, Diciembre 28, 2005 - 10:05
Henk Ruyssenaars
The World Bank, IMF etc. bring countries to their knees even by sending the 'jackals': "Jackals' are CIA-sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If that doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." *[Important video below] David Frost 'front man' at al-Jazeera International?forpressfound, Martes, Diciembre 27, 2005 - 02:53
Henk Ruyssenaars
For many international observers 'the straw that broke the camel's back' was the announcement that senior BBC newsman 'Sir' David Frost - a friend of Blair - would become some kind of international figurehead for al Jazeera Italian Court orders 22 CIA terrorists arrestedforpressfound, Sábado, Diciembre 24, 2005 - 12:35
Henk Ruyssenaars
The US 'newspeak' sewer Reuters reports from Italy that 'a Milan court has issued a European arrest warrant for 22 CIA agents suspected of kidnapping an Egyptian cleric from Italy's financial capital in 2003, Prosecutor Armando Spataro said on Friday.'' A maior desigualdade entre ricos e pobresAnonyme, Viernes, Diciembre 23, 2005 - 15:05
Francisco Trindade
A maior desigualdade entre ricos e pobres 2005 Report: The Struggle Continues: Protesting Around the Clock - Battle for Hong Kongamardeep, Martes, Diciembre 20, 2005 - 00:52 (Analyses | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Globalisation | Poverty | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
Amardeep Kaur Gill
by Amardeep Kaur Gill Written and Compiled by Amardeep Kaur Gill, from Target: WTO! HONG KONG, (Dec 19, 2005) – As the WTO 6th Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong reached the 5th day of talks on Saturday December 17 of potential agreements and deals in global trade and agricultural opening, protesters from all around the world put up one of the strongest struggle against WTO polices. In an attempt to derail the WTO meeting from its killer polices that create poor conditions for farmers, women, and migrants in many non-western countries, unarmed activists overpowered the police reaching meters from the Wan Chai Convention Convention and Exhibition Centre where the meeting was taking place. ![]() |
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