

vieuxcmaq, Sábado, Agosto 18, 2001 - 11:00

a a (



vieuxcmaq, Sábado, Agosto 18, 2001 - 11:00


With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle -- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.....
( [] ) ...............
Abraham Lincoln...............................

CONVERSATION? The Seattle Times creates controversy.

vieuxcmaq, Viernes, Agosto 17, 2001 - 11:00

SPACE 2001 (

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle -- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.....
( [] ) ...............
Abraham Lincoln..............................


vieuxcmaq, Viernes, Agosto 17, 2001 - 11:00

SPACE 2001 (

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle -- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.....
( [] ) ...............
Abraham Lincoln...............................

CALL TO ACTION! Smash Fascism in Moncton, New Brunswick!

vieuxcmaq, Viernes, Agosto 17, 2001 - 11:00

ARA . (

************ PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY *************

La Colombie sous la Loi sur les mesures d'urgence

vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Agosto 16, 2001 - 11:00

Walid Hijazi (
Les groupes de défense de droits sont inquiets

src="" alt="Révolutionnaire du FARC" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" width="170" height="255">

17 août 2001 - La Colombie vient de mettre en vigueur une nouvelle loi sur les mesures d'urgences pour contrer la menace des rebelles. Mais selon les groupes de défense des droits humains, ce n'est qu'un prétexte pour réprimer toute forme d'opposition. Cette nouvelle loi facilitera grandement la vie des autorités militaires et leur alliés paramilitaires, leur permettant d'éviter toute mesure disciplinaire.

[Reportage radio - mars 2001]

6 Colombiens dénoncent la situation dans leur pays.

[Non au plan Colombie]

L'offensive américaine contre les peuples d'Amérique latine.

Public Assembly: After Quebec City, What Next in Montreal?!

vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Agosto 16, 2001 - 11:00

. clac (

An open invitation to Montreal-area activists and organizers, groups and individuals, to reinforce and organize our collective resistance to: poverty, police brutality, homelessness, gentrification, racism, sexism, the scapegoating of immigrants and refugees, the IMF, World Bank, WTO, GATs, FTAA, G-8 and more ...

Du camping pour les campés.

vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Agosto 16, 2001 - 11:00

Oies Sauvage (

Suivi Rachel et London Ontario.

AntiRacist Mobilization Against Columbus Day and Genocide in America

vieuxcmaq, Miércoles, Agosto 15, 2001 - 11:00

original press release by Doc Rosen of AIM, reposted here by Lynx (

There will be a massive mobilization against Columbus day in Colorado - the state where columbus day originated. Christopher Columbus was directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people, and is symbolic of the ongoing genocide against indigenous peoples that has claimed an estimated 98-99 million lives, the largest Genocide in all of human history. It is absolutely essential that this mobilization - more than any other in recent memory - be a success!

Stratégie gouvernementale de lutte à la pauvreté: Consultation bidon?

vieuxcmaq, Miércoles, Agosto 15, 2001 - 11:00

Christian Dubois (

15 août 2001 - La question de la lutte à la pauvreté devrait occuper les politicienNEs québécoisE et les groupes sociaux cet automne. En effet, après plus d'un an de tergiversations, le gouvernement du Québec s'est enfin décidé à risquer une "consultation" sur la question. Le tout devant mener à l'élaboration d'une stratégie nationale de lutte à la pauvreté pour 2002.

Squat: Qui sont les futurs vrais locataires?

vieuxcmaq, Miércoles, Agosto 15, 2001 - 11:00

Oies Sauvage (

Projet d'aménagement par des groupes communautaires au 3100 Rachel.

Red de prensa independiente (REDPI)

vieuxcmaq, Miércoles, Agosto 15, 2001 - 11:00


Convocatoria a constitución de RED de Prensa Independiente (REDPI) - Equipo editor con sede en Santiago de Chile

Un pas dans la bonne direction, mais laquelle?

vieuxcmaq, Martes, Agosto 14, 2001 - 11:00

Oies Sauvage (Oies@MonCourrier.Com)

Ou va-t-on avec le squat?.

Censura in the Institute of secondary Education of Celanova

vieuxcmaq, Martes, Agosto 14, 2001 - 11:00

Rivela Rivela José (

The director of the Institute of secondary education of Celanova,
Camilo Ogando, has censured drawings of plastic in 3º and 4º of
obligatory secondary education (15 and 16 years) and the author of I
articulate takes to the drawings censured to house of Fernando Suburb
to Paris and there he agrees with Darío Fo, Umberto Echo, Jean
Baudrillard, Jack Vanarsky... and all agree in requesting the
resignation of the censorious one to print Intellectual article /
print article as It watches over, Fo, Eco or Baudrillard is named
sátrapas in the house of Fernando Arrabal in Paris.

Teamsters Dump Turtles to Pass Bush Energy Plan

vieuxcmaq, Domingo, Agosto 12, 2001 - 11:00

Scott Harris. Interview by Between The Lines' (

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Jason Mark, clean vehicles program director with the Union of Concerned Scientists, discusses the environmental consequences of the Bush energy policy and the labor/industry coalition that lobbied to pass the president's bill(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

Attacks on Haitian Police May be Linked to Anti-Aristide Political Forces

vieuxcmaq, Domingo, Agosto 12, 2001 - 11:00

Interview Between The Lines' Denise Manzari. (

Ray LeForest is a labor organizer and co-coordinator of the Haiti Support Network, based in New York City. He spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about the political tension in Haiti and the forces that may have been behind these latest attacks(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

40-Day Fast Launced to Protest 11 Years of Iraq Sanctions

vieuxcmaq, Domingo, Agosto 12, 2001 - 11:00

Scott Harris Interview by Between The Lines' (

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with former U.N. Under-Secretary General Denis Halliday, who had been in charge of Iraq's oil for food program until he resigned his post in protest of the sanctions in 1998. Halliday explains why he and others continue to work for an end to the economic sanctions against Iraq.

an elephant never forgets - song about Genoa

vieuxcmaq, Domingo, Agosto 12, 2001 - 11:00

never forgets an elephant (

A song about Genoa by an elephant never forgets.

New on cmaq!

vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Agosto 9, 2001 - 11:00

The CMAQ (

CMAQ: New feature!!

Thursday august 9, 2001 -New things from cmaq: You can now consult the new cmaq calendar!!
Let people know about your events...

You can fin the calendar by clicking calendar at the top of this page, or directly here

Du nouveau sur le CMAQ

vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Agosto 9, 2001 - 11:00

Le Cmaq (

CMAQ: Nouveau calendrier!!

jeudi 9 août 2001 -Du nouveau sur le CMAQ. Vous pouvez désormais consulter le nouveau calendrier mis à jour automatiquement.Faites connaître vos événements... Vous pouvez trouver le calendrier en cliquant sur calendrier en haut de cette page, ou directement par ici.

Smash corporate globalisation

vieuxcmaq, Miércoles, Agosto 8, 2001 - 11:00

Duty Line of (

Can you feel the rhythm...

Un rapport incrimine la GRC et le cabinet de Jean Chrétien

vieuxcmaq, Miércoles, Agosto 8, 2001 - 11:00

Christian Dubois (

Peppergate: Hugues conclut à l'ingérence de l'entourage de Chrétien

src="" alt="La GRC en action" align="left" border="0" hspace="4">
8 août 2001 -Le juge à la retraite Ted Hugues a remis à la Commission de plaintes du public contre la GRC son rapport sur le comportement du corps policier pendant le sommet de l'APEC, à Vancouver, en 1997. M. Hughes conclut que la police a manqué de professionnalisme lors du Sommet et qu'elle a violé les droits des manifestantEs. Il note également que le cabinet de Jean Chrétien s'est ingéré dans les affaires de la GRC.

[APEC Alert (a)]

[Un article sur l'affaire(a)]

[Site de la CBC sur le Peppergate(a)]

Innovative Film Boot Camps for activists announced

vieuxcmaq, Martes, Agosto 7, 2001 - 11:00

. "G.I.F.T.S. office" (gifts@gul

(Galiano Island, BC): A small, maverick film school in the woods has
made a move to provide its guerrilla filmmaking skills to the growing
number of activist videomakers. Two new one-week courses at the Gulf
Islands Film and Television School (GIFTS) on Galiano Island, BC, are
dedicated to the needs of activists seeking to put their cameras to use
for their cause.

Communiqué du Parti Vert du Québec - Les baisses d'impôt sont-elles socialement bénéfiques?

vieuxcmaq, Martes, Agosto 7, 2001 - 11:00

Xavier Daxhelet (

En réitérant sa promesse de réduire substantiellement les impôts, le chef de l'opposition Jean Charest témoigne une fois de plus d'une vision éculée, étroite et passéiste de l'économie. Quelques semaines plus tard, ce fut au tour de l'ancien premier ministre conservateur, Bryan Mulroney, de prôner la baisse des taxes, celui-là même qui a tranquillement livré le Canada aux États-Unis avec un accord du libre-échange purement économique.

Censura en el IES (Instituto de enseñanza )de Celanova (Ourense. España)

vieuxcmaq, Martes, Agosto 7, 2001 - 11:00

rivela rivela jose (

El director del Instituto de enseñanza secundaria de Celanova ( , Camilo Ogando, ha censurado unos dibujos de plástica en 3º y 4º de la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria (15 y 16 años) y el autor del articulo lleva los dibujos censurados a casa de Fernando Arrabal a París y allí coincide con Darío Fo, Umberto Eco, Jean Baudrillard, Jack Vanarsky... y todos coinciden en pedir la dimisión del censurador.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.