

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast post
ArticleLike never before, Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution is in immediate danger! franz16 years 8 weeks ago
ArticleNorth America: Big Brother said it: "It's the Moment of Truth!" franz06 years 9 weeks ago
ArticleNorteamérica: El Hermano Mayor ya lo ha dicho: "¡Es el Momento de la Verdad!" franz06 years 9 weeks ago
ArticleEn cuanto al Presidente Chávez: ¡Periodistas del mundo, despierten, hagan sus tareas de manera veraz, yo hice las mías! franz06 years 9 weeks ago
ArticleWake up, top journalists, do your truthful homework, I did mine! franz06 years 10 weeks ago
ArticleLabor Day: A specter is haunting the North American Empire ... the specter of Chavez! franz06 years 11 weeks ago
ArticleDía del Trabajador: Un espectro recorre el Imperio Norteamericano -- ¡el espectro de Chávez! franz06 years 11 weeks ago
Article La primavera de esperanza de Chávez ahora amenazada por el invierno de desesperación fascista de Bush franz06 years 12 weeks ago
ArticleChavez's democratic spring of hope now threatened by Bush's fascist winter of despair franz06 years 12 weeks ago
ArticleLa sociedad futura de Venezuela no será ni capitalista ni socialista franz06 years 12 weeks ago
ArticleCIA's subliminal message is: "Away With Chavez!" Soon it will be: "Kill Chavez!" franz06 years 13 weeks ago
ArticleMensaje subluminal de la CIA es: ¡Que se vaya Chávez! Pronto será: "¡Maten a Chavez!" franz06 years 13 weeks ago
ArticleLas 20 víctimas del 11 de abril en Venezuela forman parte de la amenaza de un eclipse total de la vida franz06 years 13 weeks ago
Article Venezuela: Cuidado, lo que se está planeando no será otra vez un 11 de abril, será peor franz06 years 14 weeks ago
ArticleVenezuela: without theory, no political party, no vanguard of the revolution! franz06 years 14 weeks ago
ArticleVenezuela: Sin Teoría no hay ni partido político ni vanguardia de la Revolución franz06 years 14 weeks ago
ArticleEntrevistas a Franz J.T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt en el Programa Wake Up With Coop Radio, Vancouver franz06 years 14 weeks ago
ArticleThe North American State is not only bankrupt, it is totally corrupt franz16 years 15 weeks ago
ArticleVenezuela: En un mundo lleno de mentiras, decir la verdad es práxis revolucionaria franz06 years 15 weeks ago
ArticleVenezuela: In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary praxis franz06 years 15 weeks ago
ArticleInterviews with Franz J. T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt on Wake Up With Coop Radio, Vancouver franz06 years 15 weeks ago
ArticleWhy both Iran and Venezuela must expect preemptive military strikes from USA franz16 years 16 weeks ago
ArticleFranz J. T. Lee and Jutta Schmitt talking about Venezuela on Black Op Radio franz06 years 16 weeks ago
ArticleCountdown: The Eye of the Hurricane moves towards Venezuela and Iran franz06 years 17 weeks ago
ArticleMr. Jim Kouri, what happened to humanity, brains and the truth? franz06 years 17 weeks ago
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