Solidarite internationaleAt Risk: Carmen Mejía's life is in danger for defending her communityCMAQ via Mic, Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 19:44 (Communiqués | Aboriginal Nations | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Globalisation | Religion | Solidarite internationale) Carmen is from a Mayan community in Guatemala. Her life is at risk because she is campaigning against impacts of mining on her community's human rights. She has spoken at public meetings about her concerns about the Marlin Mine, which is owned by a subsidiary of Canadian mining company Goldcorp. “You shouldn’t defend human rights, or you’ll be killed.” Carmen Mejía received this warning several times in June. Then, a month later, someone shot her fellow grassroots activist, Deodora Hernandez, in the eye at close range. At the time, Deodora was speaking out about the impact of a mine on her community's water supply. She was seriously wounded, but she survived. The attempt on Deodora’s life underscores how seriously we must take the threats made against Carmen Mejía. :: Join Amnesty International in calling on Guatemalan authorities to take these critical measures [Israel] This Peaceful Position Takes Courage [repression of Israelis denouncing racism and murder]CMAQ via Mic, Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 19:37 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Guerre / War | Racism | Religion | Repression | Solidarite internationale)
By Mel Frykberg, Inter Press Service
EAST JERUSALEM, Oct 20, 2010 (IPS) - A former captain in the Israeli Air Force, previously an ardent Zionist who lost many members of his family in the Holocaust, has been labelled a psychopath and denounced by many Israelis for the moral stand he has taken against the Israeli occupation. Yonatan Shapira, 38, was fired from his job, has been verbally abused in public, subjected to death threats in newspaper talk-back comments, called a traitor by many Israelis, falsely charged with assaulting Israeli security forces, and interrogated by Israel's domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet. While Israel often gets a lot of negative publicity for its brutal treatment of Palestinians and the inherent racism within its society, there is a growing core of Israeli human rights activists who are challenging government policy -- and paying a high price for their courage. ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras (26,Oct.'10)Anonyme, Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 07:42
Red Latina sin fronteras
edición digital del 26 de Octubre del 2010 http://red-latina-sin-fronteras.lacoctelera.net Biotecnología cubana constituyeAnonyme, Monday, October 25, 2010 - 19:33
Luis Enrique
Luis Herrera, director del Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (CIGB), subrayó hoy que los resultados de esa institución y la integración con otros centros del polo científico han contribuido a elevar la expectativa de vida de los cubanos a casi 78 años de edad. Andaluces exigen cese del bloqueo estadounidense contra CubaAnonyme, Friday, October 22, 2010 - 12:50
Luis Enrique
Unas 15 organizaciones de la región española de Andalucía exigieron a Estados Unidos el fin del bloqueo de medio siglo a Cuba y la liberación de cinco antiterroristas cubanos presos en ese país desde hace 12 años. Política de asfixia con daños a tercerosAnonyme, Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 14:12
Luis Enrique
Hurgar entre la inmundicia para sacarle provecho, no es práctica exclusiva de carroñeros. Alimentar mezquindades con engaños, cebar egoísmos a base de manipulaciones, es un vicio reiterado entre los reyes de la cadena evolutiva, quienes a menudo usan las facultades de raciocinio fraguadas por siglos de historia para satisfacer sus más oscuras y primitivas ambiciones. Sur le nationalisme et le socialismeAnonyme, Monday, October 18, 2010 - 16:00 Afin d’apporter de l’eau au moulin sur le débat nationalisme et socialisme i.e capitalisme d’État versus internationalisme et communisme, nous suggérons aux lecteurs du CMAQ de lire les échanges que nous avons eu avec le Feu aux poudres, un collectif aujourd’hui disparu. Correspondance entre les communistes internationalistes de Montréal et le Feu aux poudres http://www.cmaq.net/fr/node/32507 Les Communistes Internationalistes-Klasbatalo! cim_...@yahoo.com Projections de documentaires engagés gratuits: une alternative aux festivals payants.Anonyme, Friday, October 15, 2010 - 17:42 (Communiqués | Culture | Democratie | Ecologie | Immigration | Imperialism | Solidarite internationale)
Cinéma Politica - UQAM
Première projection le 22 octobre et lancement de la programmation automnale ! Condena Evo Morales bloqueoAnonyme, Thursday, October 14, 2010 - 13:17
Luis Enrique
El presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, condenó hoy el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por Estados Unidos contra Cuba hace más de cinco décadas,una política obsoleta y destinada al fracaso, señaló. Vidéo mashup : G20 sur la chanson Meet Me In The Basement - Broken Social SceneCMAQ via Mic, Monday, October 11, 2010 - 16:54 Ce vidéo fut produit en réponse au Sommet du G20 à Toronto qui a eu lieu en juin 2010. Le vidéo parle pour lui-même. Il nous a été envoyé par une personne amoureuse de la musique qui souhaite rester anonyme. Nous sommes très fiers de vous partager ce mashup. - Broken Social Scene Svp partagez ce vidéo. [trad. libre de Mic du CMAQ] — Déf. Wikipédia de Mashup |
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