

Grâce au NPD : Des millions pour le Québec et pour la circonscriptin de Chambly-Borduas

Alain Dubois, Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 15:19

NPD Chambly-Borduas

Grâce au NPD : le gouvernement du Québec et les municipalités toucheront 1,15 milliard de dollars supplémentaires pour financer les transports en commun et leurs infrastructures; La loi autorisant le mariage entre personnes du même sexe a été votée...

Nucléaire/Europe: Iter, techniquement c'est que du bluff !

Anonyme, Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 03:28


La fusion thermonucléaire, nouveau rêve de l'homme : apprivoiser le soleil. Quel défi, mais que de bluff ! ! !

What's so Revolutionary about Venezuelan Coal???

Anonyme, Saturday, June 25, 2005 - 11:10

Christian Guerrero, CRAMA // CRA-El Libertario

* This article is about expanding coal mining consessions in Venezuela's western state of Zulia. It explains the threats coal mining poses to indigenous communities and water security for Maracaibo, Zulia's state capital. The article also explains how this initiative is part of a larger regional development plan, IIRSA, and other proposed projects that fall into Zuila's regional development. The article is also about the grassroots resistence movement against the proposed projects.

Monsanto's Bt corn Disaster: Burden not Boon to Agriculture

Anonyme, Saturday, June 25, 2005 - 09:55

The Greenpeace report challenges Monsanto's claim that Bt corn is the answer to poverty.

Insects Developing Resistance to GE Crops

Anonyme, Saturday, June 25, 2005 - 09:54

University study of GE Crops

New Zealand Blocks Agreement on Accurate Labelling of Genetically Engineered (GE) food

Anonyme, Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 19:05

At the recent MOP-2 (2nd meeting of Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety) in Montreal earlier this month, New Zealand blocked an agreement by over 100 countries that would have required accurate labelling of GE (LMO) content in food exports.


Anonyme, Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 13:18


A dozen protesters were arrested at the Biodevastation protests in Philadelphia this weekend. They are all still in jail, and need your help to get out.

Peak Oil and Permaculture

Anonyme, Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 21:28

Tim Winton

Peak Oil and Permaculture explains the dynamics of the impending peak in global oil production and the implications for Australian society. Declining energy availability will spell the end of global economic growth and the consumerist culture it supports.

TOURNÉE AutonomiZation 2005 / 1er COMMUNIQUÉ

Anonyme, Monday, June 20, 2005 - 16:47

A l’initiative de SURRÉALISTE action et Distrolibre, une tournée copyleft sur le thème de l’autonomie est programmée pour la rentrée prochaine. Elle débutera le 3 et 4 septembre lors de la braderie de Lille et s’arrêtera dans toutes les régions de France, en passant par la Belgique et la Suisse. Le bouquet final aura lieu en région parisienne.

Romania: Concrete steps on how you can break the law

Anonyme, Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 18:54


Practical Guide on the non-implementation of the "Acquis Communitaire" or Concrete steps on how you can break the law

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