

Russia vs Robbers

forpressfound, Thursday, November 22, 2007 - 05:50

Henk Ruyssenaars

Russian president Putin strongly attacks the multinational jackals: the battle against the New World Order may be decided in Moscow. Putin and his people want to avoid the oligarchy becoming the central actor in world politics and warned in a totally correct comment on their regime: "They will again cheat everyone."

Miseria + Barbarie= Capitalismo

Anonyme, Wednesday, November 21, 2007 - 16:46

Steve Tremblay

Actualmente, por todo el mundo, el capitalismo en crisis multiplica los planes de "gestión económica" que se traducen en cierres de fábricas, medidas de despidos masivos, reducciones de salarios para los que conservan su empleo y ataques insoportables sobre las jubilaciones, es decir en más miseria para el proletariado; esto sin hablar de las dos terceras partes de la humanidad que este sistema deja morir de hambre.

Misère + barbarie = capitalisme

Anonyme, Wednesday, November 21, 2007 - 10:04

Steve Tremblay

PHILIPPINES: Estrada's pardon honor among thieves

Anonyme, Wednesday, November 21, 2007 - 06:41


AKBAYAN (Citizens' Action Party) condemned the granting of executive clemency for former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA), saying that it reflects not national unity but honor among thieves.

Venezuela: INSURGENTES contre la Réforme Constitutionnelle

Anonyme, Thursday, November 15, 2007 - 11:17


* Plusieurs organisations et individus du Venezuela, impliqués au sein de différentes luttes sociales et possédant diverses approches de la gauche critique et anti-autoritaire, ont convergé dans l’espace INSURGENTES (INSURGÉS) et ont pris position en ce qui concerne la “réforme�? proposée initialement par le Président de la République, Hugo Chávez.

INSURGENTES against Venezuela´s constitutional reform

Anonyme, Thursday, November 15, 2007 - 11:14


* Various organizations and individuals within Venezuela, each with a history of social struggle and each bringing with them diverse proposals from the anti-authoritarian and critical left, have assembled in the space of INSURGENTES (INSURGENTS) to forge a position against the proposed constitutional “reform�? offered by the republic’s President, Hugo Chavez Frias.

Venezuela: Reforms take away what is gained through the struggle

Anonyme, Friday, November 9, 2007 - 13:21

El Libertario, Venezuela

This is the editorial of the latest edition of El Libertario (Venezuela, #51, November 2007, now available -in spanish- in in which this mouthpiece of Venezuelan Anarchism set outs its position with regard to the Constitutional Reforms which the current Government seeks to impose on this country.

Private Equity Scuppered by Subprime Fallout

Anonyme, Friday, November 9, 2007 - 09:16

We are reproducing below an article on Private Equty Scuppered by Subprime Fallout by our comrades of the Communist Worker’ Organisation. The CWO (British) is an affiliate of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP).

Some internationalist communists, Montréal

Venezuela: las reformas te quitan lo que las luchas te dan

Anonyme, Thursday, November 8, 2007 - 17:21

El Libertario, Venezuela

He aquí el Editorial de la nueva edición de El Libertario (Venezuela, # 51, Noviembre 2007; ya accesible en, donde este vocero del anarquismo venezolano expone su posición ante la Reforma Constitucional que intenta imponer el actual gobierno de ese país.

Crise de l'immobilier, crise financière? Ou plus simplement crise capitaliste de surproduction?

Anonyme, Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - 09:22

Nous publions ce texte sur la crise de l'immobilier et la crise financière tiré du bulletin communiste #41 (17 Octobre) de la Fraction Interne du Courant Communiste International FICCI.

Des communistes internationalistes de Montréal. CIM

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