

Alitalia Strike - Long Live the "Wildcat" Struggle of Alitalia Workers

Anonyme, Friday, December 12, 2008 - 09:42

The workers decided to take things into their own hands and organised a mass meeting of 300-400 workers which produced a Strike and Struggle Committee to move the struggle on even at this late hour.

Première victoire pour les IWW Montréal

Anonyme, Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 14:39


des gens avec des pancartes devant la vitrien du Pizzédéic

La section montréalaise des Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)a enregistré sa première victoire face au patron du Pizzédélic situé sur la rue Notre-Dame, dans le Vieux-Montréal. Environ une dizaine de militantes et de militants sont venus faire un joyeux tapage à l'intérieur du restaurant, ainsi qu'une ligne de piquetage devant l'entrée du restaurant. Plusieurs clients ont choisis de rebrousser chemin en signe de solidarité avec notre camarade floué.

CKUT: The Economic Crisis, Elections, and Anti-Poverty Organizing

Anonyme, Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 14:29

Aaron Lakoff

CKUT Radio: The Economic Crisis, Elections, and Anti-Poverty Organizing
John Clarke of OCAP comments on the economic crisis

Download an interview with John Clarke of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) in Toronto, commenting on the recent global economic crisis, it's impacts on poor people, and recent elections.

-->Audio link:

A Critique of the Fourth International

Anonyme, Monday, November 24, 2008 - 20:42

Brent Herbert

Correcting our political perspective

Un cirque de la noirceur et du mensonge : l’Assemblée nationale

Anonyme, Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 20:30

Nous publions un texte sur les élections de la bourgeoisie que nous avions fait paraître en avril 2007, la situation politique n'ayant pas changé même si le capitalisme agonise davantage avec la crise financière.

AIG, Congress and the Taxpayers

Anonyme, Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 15:02

Debbie Morgan

Why are we continuing to let the government bail out a failing business that is misusing taxpayer money? Surely there are independently owned businesses, and even individuals, that could put that money to far better use.

Philippine social movements storm US Embassy

Anonyme, Tuesday, November 18, 2008 - 03:25

Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)

Philippine social movements hit G-20 summit’s exclusivity, call for a new and democratic world order

Plant food now

Anonyme, Monday, November 17, 2008 - 07:44

Peter Ravenscroft

The current economic fuss may just be serious. So, plant food now?

How can you be taxed when there is no tax?

Anonyme, Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 13:04

Daniel J Towsey

This NWO has been created by a fraudulent banking system in the USA. This privately and secretly controlled banking system is called the Federal Reserve Corporation system.

Filipino Workers to heads of G20: Creating a better world order is no more your business

Anonyme, Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 06:15

Partido ng Manggagawa (Workers Party)

Relegating the world’s future to the hands of same leaders who created the current global economic crisis is a recipe to further disaster, according to Partido ng Manggagawa (Workers Party), a militant labor party in the Philippines which joined hundreds of other protesters in a march to the US embassy this morning in time for the G20 Summit in Washington DC.

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