

Message to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) from the RIM Committee

Anonyme, Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 12:40

On 13 February 1996, a whole new chapter in the history of Nepal was begun, when the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) led the masses of the downtrodden in Nepal in daring simultaneous assaults throughout the country. Although the scale of the initial actions was small and the People’s War was begun with only a few weapons, from the outset the goal was mighty—to carry out a new democratic and socialist revolution throughout the country as part of the international proletariat’s historic mission of sweeping imperialism, reaction and indeed all traces of class exploitation from the Earth.

Étudiants-es et travailleurs-ses de l’UQAM se rassemblent afin de protester contre le projet de l’îlot voyageur

Anonyme, Wednesday, February 15, 2006 - 17:44


Montréal, le 15 février – Six associations facultaires étudiantes et deux syndicats, représentant plus de 37 000 étudiants, 980 professeurs et 2000 étudiants-es travailleurs-euses de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, se réunissent aujourd’hui à l’angle des rues Berri et de Maisonneuve, dès 16h30, afin de protester contre le projet immobilier de l’UQAM, l’îlot voyageur.

Black History Month: A History of Oppression and Resistance (Part 1)

Anonyme, Monday, February 13, 2006 - 12:12

Part 1: From Slavery to Civil War
Revolution #035, February 19, 2006, posted at

Black people did not "come to this country seeking a better life." They were kidnapped from their homes in Africa, dragged in chains and loaded onto slave ships--treated not like human beings but like things, commodities to be traded and used to enrich others. Tens of millions of enslaved Africans died before even reaching America, so terrible were the conditions on the slave ships. Those who survived the trip and were then sold to plantation owners were treated like pieces of machinery. Slaveowners commonly referred to the slaves as "talking tools." That is how Black people were treated for the first 250 years of their experience in America.

Creation d'un syndicat etudiant libertaire - Coimbra

Anonyme, Friday, February 10, 2006 - 18:20

Federação Europeia de Sindicalismo Alternativo

À Coimbra un Syndicat Étudiant Libertaire a été crée.
Voici le manifeste de présentation qui a été divulgué à Coimbra en tracs.

Tranchées d’idées

Anonyme, Friday, February 10, 2006 - 11:36

En 1891, le grand José Marti écrivit une des phrases les plus répétées à ce jour : ‘’ Des tranchées d’idées valent plus que des tranchées de pierre ‘’. Sans doute, c’était une phrase idéaliste, propre au XIX è siècle, née au siècle passé sur les pierres de la force et de l’autorité. Rien de plus démocratique et d’anti-dogmatique que d’avoir ses propres idées. Mais rares furent les fois où ces tranchées furent construites avec ce type de propriétés, ce qui fait d’une retraite un double paradoxe. Aussi, au XV è siècle, « mourir pour un idéal » était un des plus grands mérites que pouvait atteindre un homme ou une femme, mélange de martyr chrétien et de philosophe humaniste, le tout résumé dans la figure d’un Che Guevara...


Anonyme, Sunday, February 5, 2006 - 16:27

Asociación Colombiana de Estudiantes Universitarios-ACEU

Desde el año pasado en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá, estalló un conflicto originado por el intento de reforma que desde el gobierno central se quiere implantar, en una etapa que podríamos llamar de “cierre

Kirchner and the Devaluation of Science in Argentina

Anonyme, Saturday, February 4, 2006 - 15:08

Eduardo R. Saguier

No constructive or lasting policy which tries to make us move away from the condition of a failed state could be successfully implemented --even if the CONICET inflates its permanent roll with thousands of new Investigators and the government multiplies by the hundred its budget and the percentages over the PBI (Internal Gross Product)-- if in the spaces of science, research and higher education, institutions and habits are not oxygenated, in a way to drive away from them corruption, simulation, hypocrisy, genuflection, opportunism, moral indifference and, what is more serious and lethal, the self-censorship or fear to express oneself freely.

Kirchner y la Desjerarquizacion de la Ciencia Argentina

Eduardo R. Saguier, Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 17:05

Eduardo R. Saguier

Ninguna política constructiva ni perdurable que intente alejarnos de la condición de estado fallido podrá ser exitosamente implementada –aunque el CONICET infle su planta permanente con miles de nuevos Investigadores de carrera y el gobierno centuplique sus partidas presupuestarias y los porcentajes sobre el PBI-- si en los espacios de la ciencia, la investigación, el arte y la docencia superior no se recrean sus organigramas, instituciones y prácticas, de modo tal que se ahuyente de las mismas la corrupción, la simulación, la hipocresía, la genuflexión, el oportunismo, el autismo, la indiferencia moral y, lo que es aún más grave y letal, la autocensura o miedo a expresarse libremente.

The Alito Hearings: Jubilation of the Fascists and Anger of the People

Anonyme, Wednesday, January 18, 2006 - 17:26

People expected last week’s Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito to be a major political clash. But the political battle people hoped for did not materialize. By week’s end, two things stood out.

Delivering a Powerful J'Accuse --Right in Bush's Brave New "Homeland"

Anonyme, Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 12:47

As the new year begins, January looms as a crucial month, possibly shaping events for the year and far beyond. In this critical moment, there's an urgent need--and great possibility--for delivering a powerful and compelling indictment of the Bush administration for war crimes and crimes against humanity right here in the U.S. This is the mission of the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity, whose final session will be held January 20-22 in New York City.

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